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Missed "The Monster" (White light resumed)


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(Emphatically) no *rocket science*, but I have always felt modestly proud of my "custom made"
white light filters. A veritable demon with commonly available *Hole Saws* + a bit o' MDF Light! :D
Quite a fun thing to do though? (Do be careful of MDF dust inhalation of course...) 


I now have one of those "Posh" Baader white light filters for my ED-66. They are [IMO] VERY nice! :)


My humble effort fits INSIDE the front cell of my MAK150 to give approx. 120mm aperture.
As yet undecided whether (ultimately) to go for an "internal or external" Baader for the MAK?

It seems anecdotal there is not much gained by going to more than 4-5" for white light?
A more compact (internal) size seems less prone to wind and accidental finger-poking! :D
Either way, I sense there will be a modest amount of DIY work to get it to fit (safely). 

</wibble> ;)

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The spot is small but at least you managed to get it, I haven't seen any sun lately.

I think the spot is roughly the size that mercury will appear as it transits on the 9th of May.

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Good capture of the little spot. It seems to have gone now. I also used to make my solar filters, but now got a ready-made Baader one:


That is for the C8. I use a Herschel wedge for the refractor, usually combined with a tri-band energy rejection filter from Beloptik (I am told there are only 6 of them). Mark Townley kindly made a mounting for that filter.IMAG0715.jpg

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