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Observing Bootes.


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When you're seeing Bootes , you're looking out of our galaxy into open space. Arcturus orbits ,inclined ,way out of our galactic plane. Izar and the beautiful Alkalurops make up for the lack of bright deep sky targets here. In addition there are so many binaries to observe.

C45 (NGC 5248 ) is a + 10.2 spiral galaxy. Quite faint with little detail. For fainter,
NGC 5557 (+11). NGC 5676(+11.2). NGC 5669(+11.3). NGC 5582(+11.6)
NGC 5614 (+11.7). NGC 5899 (+11.7). NGC 5533(+11.8). NGC 5656 (+11.0)
NGC 5687 (+11.8). NGC 5529 (+11.9). NGC 5660 (+11.9). NGC 5689 (+11.9)
NGC 5523 (+11.8). NGC 5665 (+12). NGC 5490 (+12.1). NGC 5523 (+12.1)
NGC 5600 (+12.1). NGC 5629 (+12.1). NGC 5673 (12.1). NGC 5641 (+12.2)
NGC 5653 (+12.2). NGC 5966 (+12.2). NGC 5546 (+12.3). NGC 5590 (+12.3)
NGC 5735 (+12.3). NGC 5520 (+12.4).

Multiple star.
NGC 5856 ,+6

Globular cluster.
NGC 5466, ticklish and faint by averted vision in a 200mm.+9.1.

I am pleased to attach a few of my observations on some of the stunning binaries here.Any observer will be thrilled to see the beautiful triple of Alkalurops and the tight colourful Izar. Xi Bootis shows yellow and deep orange, as does the yellow and blue delta Bootis.

Plenty  here to observe under 

clear skies !



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Great amount of detail Nick! :) Impressive as always. You gave us homework for a good couple of springs!

Hope to spot the brightest of those galaxies next time I go back to Italy. :rolleyes: 

Thanks for sharing, 


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Great list which includes NGC 5629.
This is the brightest of a "real" group of three galaxies which includes IC 1017 and IC 1019. All three were visible with my 16 inch scope. NGC 5629 is very bright for a galaxy 200 million light years away.Mark






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On 22 March 2016 at 12:45, cotterless45 said:

When you're seeing Bootes , you're looking out of our galaxy into open space. Arcturus orbits ,inclined ,way out of our galactic plane.

Great list, and I love reading context like the above. It's nice to get a picture of where we are relative to our surroundings!

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