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M51 - thanks to Cloudwatcher and a sabotaged street light!


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I got this M51 the same night as my M27 and M92. I had taken all my gear round to my Mums place for an all night imaging session, what with the skies being clear that night. My Mums place suffers the same as mine, from a nasty street light at the end of the garden but I could at least use the GOTO to find stuff as her place is more secluded than mine. I just can't used the CG5's goto at home after lights out.

Imagine my surprise while going backwards and forwards to the car to unload, I noticed that the offending streetlight had its access panel open. :lol: Hmmm...that's handy, I thought. I spent an hour or two imaging the moon, then at about midnight, I turned to the DSO's. I still couldn't see M51, even though the goto was putting everything else in he field of view. I eventually popped outside and pulled the fuse on the streetlight. :D :nono: :grin:

I popped back in the garden, put eye to eyepiece, and blow me down if I didn't have M51 in the field of view. Not impressive but definitely there using averted vision.

Oh yeah, I replace the streetlight fuse at 03:00. :D

If your wondering where Cloudwatcher comes into the story, well he managed to get this from my resulting avi's. Cheers mate. :salute:


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