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Jones-Emberson 1 in 33 hours


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The planetary nebula Jones-Emberson 1, aka the 'Headphones Nebula'.  This is a preliminary processing of just the Ha data; I have some OIII and RGB for the stars still to be added for the colour version later. 

The data for this was captured over many short sessions in mostly mediocre conditions, often in Moonlight.  It's quite a faint object and in my light-polluted suburban skies needs a lot of exposure.  This is 33 hours in 30 minute subs (1x1), taken with my QSI 583, SW MN190 and Astrodon 5nm Ha filter.  

The version here is a central crop reduced to 70 percent.   http://universalconstant.com/JE-1_70pc_crop.jpg  

Click here to view the wider field at full size  http://universalconstant.com/JE-1.jpg





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Come on SGL, we are in the presence of greatness, here!

This is a simply outstanding piece of work and one taken with modest equipment under suburban skies. It can be done. The level of faint capture, fine resolution and control of brightnesses leave no room for the slightest criticism. Thirty three hours in thirty minute subs. That is how to take an astrophoto.

Image of the year, for me. OK, this is February, but beat that if you can. Stunning.


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5 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Wow Adrian - That is FANTASTIC!!! The detail that you have captured is truly outstanding - Well done you.... great to see such a quality image :)

Hehheh, I just sent Sara a heads up email to check this one out but she's seen it already. Great.


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Thanks for the kind comments, folks. After quite a long break from imaging & processing, I was very rusty.  Hope I can remember now how to add the colour :confused5:

It's one of my favourite objects, but I think that with darker skies it need not have been such a marathon!  Olly, maybe you remember I always wished you'd had a go at it with Yves' big scope ?



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11 hours ago, opticalpath said:

Thanks for the kind comments, folks. After quite a long break from imaging & processing, I was very rusty.  Hope I can remember now how to add the colour :confused5:

It's one of my favourite objects, but I think that with darker skies it need not have been such a marathon!  Olly, maybe you remember I always wished you'd had a go at it with Yves' big scope ?



Yes. I'm thinking about a long FL again at the moment. But I certainly want to try this one day.


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Adrian, under any sky conditions this would be a top drawer image but, under the cruddy skies we have had recently, this really is a cracking image - a testament to your perseverance and tenacity in collecting and processing the data. I know what you mean about forgetting a lot of processing techniques after a long lay off - I am going through a similar experience.

This object is on my list and I had hoped to get it this season but, at F/8,  I would need even longer than the time you have spent on it and I doubt that I have had 30 hours of imaging time since the return of proper astronomical darkness - maybe next year.




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You really have shown great dedication on this target and you must have the MN190 tuned to perfection (I briefly owned one - the accuracy of the necessary colllimation was a real challenge and not one I was up to at the time).  Excellent and I REALLY look forward to seeing this with the OIII.

Top drawer!

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