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PLEASE tell me this isn't fatal !!!

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He has certainly offered some hope.

I remember talking to KK a while back now about how the mount kept "tripping out" during sessions over the last few mnths and needing to be re-intitialized and returned to the home position, sometimes 2x or 3x per night etc etc. A real PITA, couldn't figure out what was the problem, checked the power etc.....Okay,so NO Idea !!

Never really thought about it just accepted it as part of the Synta niggles, however I am now beginning to wonder ! I mean the mount was bought new only at the end of April last year so you can imagine how I feel. :grin:

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If you can find the date that you first mentioned the issues, then I think you'd have a very good case for a replacement / repair under warranty.

If the retailer you used cares about customer service then he or she should be able to sort this out for you.

Who is the dealer out of interest?


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:oops: I admit I hadn't brought it to Bern's attention earlier and that is entirely my fault but over the last year I've read numerous threads about people's mounts cutting out or not slewing correctly due to power cable inadequacies and so when the mine started "tripping", well as I said just assumed it was the norm. KK and I thought it was likely to be a power or a clutch related :grin: Once this particular manifestation occurred though I took the time to check all possible sources of power (mains and battery) and check the voltages running thru and gave no indication of power cable problems. I had said nr the beginning of this thread that the mount had been working earlier the same day so :lol: Between that time and the restart nothing had actually changed . The data cable was the suspect, but Dave Gill, in his expertise, failed to see how even a x-over patch cable used in error could cause such a failure.He suggested any harm would have been confined to "the serial controller/buffer circuitry". But that appears to be okay. This is part of the frustration, trying to figure out exactly the cause. :scratch:

Once it arrives back I'll try it out and see if anything has changed. :?

Bern is innocent ! :D And I'm pleased to have his help and it is very much appreciated.


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Nice one Bern

Sorry :oops:

No probs Ant :grin:

Bern is innocent ! :lol: And I'm pleased to have his help and it is very much appreciated.


Thanks Karlo!

It's worth mentioning that if gear, especially complicated gear like a GOTO mount, starts playing up within warranty and you can't resolve the situation easily then email the dealer concerned with a description of the problem. That way we're all covered.


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As I say I hadn't brought it to your attention 'cos I just assumed it to be the norm (" synta niggles") and for most of the time considered it to be an inconvenience rather than symptomatic (or possible symptom) of something more serious. Lesson for all of us there. I 'd appreciate any and all the help you might be able to offer Bern, that goes without saying.

As I said I'll see what occurs once it arrives back and will doubtless be in touch to fill in the details. I certainly DO NOT want forum members or guest viewers to be under the impression that the retailer( yourself) has been unhelpful or in any way at fault, far from it!

However I shall reserve judgement about Synta and OVL and await they're reply.

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Well the latest news is that having double checked everything, ie cables, power, data links, H/set- the message remains the same " NO LINK TO MC.....STAND ALONE MODE"

Following on from the reply from OVL re my predicament and their advice, it would appear that would agree that the MCU is at fault. :grin:

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The latest news is that I've had a long,frank and hopefully fruitful conversation with Bern and provided him with links to threads where I have made mention of the "freezing" or "tripping" out of the mount,as evidence of the mount malfunctioning whilst under warranty.

My lack of knowledge and experience of this mount was responsible for me not piping up sooner- so there's a lesson to ALL NEWBIES.

I feel I do need to point out to readers that this mount has NOT been left outside in the wet or abused in any way or subject to cond.s that may have lead to such a critical part failing, especially when it's under 18mnths old and used on average 2-3x per month. I certainly don't for one minute believe I have subjected it to anything that may have contributed to it's failure, it's just one of those things !

I have hope and confidence that Bern will do his utmost to resolve these issues positively to all parties.

I would therefore like to add that if anyone has ANY problems with any pieces of equipment whilst under warranty, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you at the time or whether you're concerned you may appear a nuisance or even an idiot for asking what might seem like a simple question- CONTACT THE RETAILER !!


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For those of you still interested :)

Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, I am unable to claim a replacement under warranty. My own fault should have kicked up some dust sooner. However Bern has tried his best to help I'm sure and has agreed to sell the replacement MCU board at cost. Fingers x'd this was the source of my problems., though Bern has agreed to a rtn if it isn't. IF it isn't I'm taking up knitting!

So, hopefully the great white bulk of scrap ally will become a useful,working mount by the middle of nxt wk.

le fin

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Rec'd a replacement MCU this am (many thanks Bern! ) and just fitted it. Held my breath and turned it on.

SWEET AS A NUT !! :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

I took the time to strip and regrease both the RA and Dec and it's all very nicely fettled, sounds better now then it ever did.

Case closed.


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