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New scope thoughts

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Hi all. Given the number of occasions last year which were several when I could not be bothered setting up the 12" scope for a half hour session I need a home scope badly. The 100p although great away from the town, the does not have the punch needed in the back (light polluted) garden.

 In this instance I am looking at manual and given bang for buck, a dob seems the logical answer.

Curently cosidering the SW Dob Skyliner 200p here: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html

Or the Orion Dob Skyquest XT8 Plus here: http://www.scsastro.co.uk/catalogue/orion-skyquest-xt8-plus-dobsonian-reflector-telescope.htm

I am drawn to the Orion a little because although more expensive than the SW, comes with a dual speed crayford fitted and I like the idea of the light weight base which is also quite nice looking. Then there are the added extras of a sun WL filter, collimation cap, thumb screw adjusted secondary, altitude tensioners and shorty barlow which will all come in handy.

I beileve the optics are the same so that's not really a consideration then.

However is it worth the extra £150. A dual speed focuser is costing over £100 and the other bits are not essential although nice to have. But whatever you think, it does look rather nice the Orion.

Oh, I am open to other suggestions but HMRC are paying (refund) but £500 is my top line.




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I have said this before Steve but if I started again I would start with a Dob, I am sure one of the SW range will suite you and there is plenty of hands-on opinion on site. If you want to up the anti there is always Orion Optic where you could choose a better quality mirror, personally that is the way I would go.

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A dob is the way to go. Do you really need a dual speed focusser? I used to have a 250mm Skywatcher and I never really felt the need for one.

If I was having a Newt again, be at a Dob or Eq, I'd seriously consider the higher quality optics Orion Optics do :)

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I own an xt8 plus and love it! Have only had it for 6 months and have already seen many dsos. The solar filter is a nice inclusion and the dual speed focuser is very useful. However,  it may not be worth the extra £150

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I hear what you are saying about the optics of the OO scopes but they are out of my budget guys, shame that. I feel as though the lure of a bit of razzle dazzle on the orion may be luring me so need to take a step backwards before I make a decision.

Also a look at the 2nd hand market may prove fruitful so will have a nosey at that before I start pressing any BUY buttons.

One thing I forgot to stress fully is this is going to be almost exclusively a back garden scope so not sure if it is worth buying a OO one but also is it worth buying a flashy Orion one either.

Decisions decisions


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5 hours ago, Scooot said:

There's a 10" OO in the classifieds. :)

Seen that one mate but it beyond my needs if I am honest with myself, much as I don't like to be sometimes :-)  

There was a 200p up for grabs locally that I may look at.

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Now seen one of these local to me as well http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p1931_Orion-SkyQuest-XT10i-IntelliScope---10--f-4-7-Dobsonian-Telescope-with-Object-Loca.html

Damn decisions, specs seem within what I am looking for and bonus 2" of aperture. Bear in mind I am looking for something light (ish) weight (components are (13 & 11kg) and easy to set up. The only reason I mentioned the 8" dobs above was budget, but this could also be in the right spot. Oh I should have also said its footprint as well that is a consideration, I notice I never mentioned this in the opening post. 


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Steve - I'd ask myself: If I don't go for the Orion with the 10:1 focuser and other trinkets of the 'Bling!' factor, will I always wish & pine-away for these when I haul my Dob-Minus-Bling! out for a night under the stars? If you fear this will be the case - get the Orion. "You know what you got to do, Cowboy... "

Regret's a killer,




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Unless you really can't, spend the extra few bob on the one your heart really wants. You'll enjoy it that little bit more every time you use it, knowing you went those extra few yards to get it. 



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