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Finally managed to get my first image of Comet Catalina!


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Today I am a very happy man  :grin:

After a frustrating night a few days ago in which nothing worked for me to get a picture of Catalina, even to the point that when my telescope eventually aligned successfully after 5 attempts the clouds rolled in and when they cleared the telescope had lost alignment! I later figured out it was a short in the power cable!

After fixing it I tried again at 0400hrs this morning. After a successful alignment I used the nearest NGC galaxy to get in the area and found Catalina. A test image of 30 secs showed Catalina directly in the centre of the view. I was that excited I didn't try any focus adjustments....wish I had, but still very happy with my image.

Canon 60D @ 300mm piggy backed on the back of the 6SE (49 x 30sec light, 20 x 40sec light, 31 x dark frames and 20 x bias @ f6.3 iso 1600. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and edited in Photoshop Elements) I am still learning and have only just found out you can stack on the comet in DSS which will be my next mission.


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110% better than mine, well done :grin:

The correlation between clear skies and full moon cannot be underestimated! Clear as anything here tonight and practically a full moon. The last clear night that wasn't full moon was blowing a gale! I fear she sill be gone before I get a chance.

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Keep trying StuartJPP, you get it in the end  :grin: My 30sec lights were done just as the moon was going down in the West and as laudropb said "It was worth the wait and effort!"

@funkysandman, no I didn't use any flats. I only use light, dark and bias. The flats seem to be a lot of hassle for me at my level. 

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