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Recording telescope position in Stellarium


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Hi there everybody,

I have been trying to find a way of extracting the auto guider corrections from my synguider so that I can look at periodic error and other random errors I might get during long exposures. 

One possibility I was exploring was to use Stellarium which is already connected to the mount and updates the telescope's position during autoguider corrections. 

What I want to do is find a way of extracting the telescope's position from Stellarium in real time so that I can analyse it later. I appreciate that the record will contain the sidereal movement of the mount (but I can subtract that out, leaving only the auto guider corrections).

Has anyone tried this before or have any ideas?  :icon_santa:

Thanks in advance! 

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Does the mount tell Stellarium about changes in position due to guiding? Or does it just tell Stellarium the target position?

If the mount is sending the guided position information then I think the easiest way to get this would be through the trace feature of Ascom. Turn this on and log the data from the mount, the positional information should be fairly obvious in the log file.

PEC is normally turned off for guiding, do you plan to use it?


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Does the mount tell Stellarium about changes in position due to guiding? Or does it just tell Stellarium the target position?

If the mount is sending the guided position information then I think the easiest way to get this would be through the trace feature of Ascom. Turn this on and log the data from the mount, the positional information should be fairly obvious in the log file.

PEC is normally turned off for guiding, do you plan to use it?


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Hi D4N, thanks for the reply.

When the telescope control plugin is used, Stellarium gets the position information from the mount. This information includes the RA and dec movement and any guiding corrections.

Thanks for the Ascom idea, I'll have to look into that - not heard of that before!

I'm not using PEC on the mount at the moment, but I will think about it once I see the guiding graphs - I don't want to complicate things without knowing if there is a problem to fix!

Happy holidays!  :icon_rendeer:

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