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Moon 31-10-15.


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Great image. Well done. Nabbed a little time looking at M27 last night, which in the severely light polluted area I live in managed to pick out quite well with my Light pollution filter. M31 and M32 were looking good too, even with a slight haze and with fireworks occasionally exploding in the night sky too. Looks nice and bright outside today, so hope to nab a little more scope time tonight if it carries on the same way. Here's hoping.

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thanks John, yer it dont look bad for being taken through double glazing, the sony seams to be better with dsos and the cannons seams better for moon and sun, but its early days i havent got used to the 450 yet.  clear skys mate,  charl.

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Charl, I just love this wide field image , I don't seem to do too good with my 18mm cam . I'm envious of the detail you pulled on this , what processing software did you use? I love the way you gathered such clarity and contrast for a bright moon. Kudos letting those skills shine.

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