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LP Check - oh dear...

Mr Spock

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There's a bit of high cloud around tonight so I thought I'd take a photo to see what difference the new LED lights have made...


Well, there are some stars there. Visually it's not so bad but I don't think I'll be taking up AP anytime soon :)

ISO 1600 30s @ f4 and 12mm.

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There's still an awful lot of orange in that picture which I wouldn't have thought is due to LED lighting?

Is there an LED streetlight behind the end house on the left, or is it an insecurity light?  I suspect the latter, but if not the spread of light looks very well controlled.


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Good picture you shot there, Michael. Thank you! We need more of those that show the differences in ambient lighting from these LED's v. the older generations. As well as LED's that have the directive coweling to direct the LED towards the ground v. without.

Useful when approaching a city-government.


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Our lights were changed to compact flourescent last year.

Although the local orange has gone the stuff from further afield is still there.

Here is a clear sky taken with a 6D EF 50mm f1.8 42secs @ISO 800

The orange mainly comes from Brighton and Gatwick both over ten miles away.


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You might be supprised what you can do even with bad LP a 30 second exposure at my place with a 50mm f4 would be completely white but something like 10 seconds would show more stars than I could ever see even from the darkest site with the naked eye.


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I'm having bad experiences with the LED lighting as well especially if the ground is damp so I am no holding out much hope for the winter... Frost may be a problem and Snow if we get any an absolute nightmare...

The old orange muck was dead easy to filter out ... The LP from these new LED lights is a nightmare from an imaging point of view... So it's back to "software" solutions to try and tackle the gradients...

There was only a bit of dew on the ground for this rough and ready pano :(



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The high cloud on that image makes it look worse. Without the cloud, visually, I've managed to glimpse the milky way for the first time in years. I'm thinking when that area to the south is converted it may be back fully.

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Dave - I've been reading reports on these new LED lights coming in. The main problem is they put out the full spectrum of light, rendering them essentially non-filterable. BUT if they are put in a cowling that aims their photonic assault downwards and not allowed to escape out and upwards, they seem to be ideal for both lighting the roadways and sidewalks - and not bother us folks with our OTA's and cameras. The hard part is selling this idea to city governments as they may think the cost of a coweling-shrouded LED would be too high.

People have been finding that these cowelings don't necessarily cost more if they are supplied as an integrated component, rather than retro-fitting them later. So the best time to sell this idea to a city is to do so before they start taking bids.

I suggest contacting the International Dark-Skies Association for assistance in approaching your local government to petition for getting them to incorporate this fix if the lights are already up - or to get their attention prior to the planning phase. Here you go:


Don't give up, all is not lost.


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Might be worth a go. Though councils see these LED lamps as a mindless panacea. Meanwhile this makes depressing reading, scroll half way down...


My French isn't very good... What's the "highlights"... 

I guess I could try Google translate...  Here's a link... I


Wish I hadn't although I guess I should have expected it based on my own observations...


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The trouble with lighting is that what goes down also goes up. The fittings may well be better directionally but all that downward intense white light is back scattered into the sky again. As implied above- wet, icy or snowy surfaces will make things worse.

Perhaps we need to "flock" the world but only during the night otherwise we will dramatically increase the solar gain....... :evil::grin:


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