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Fascination with eyepieces.


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Once you've got the scope you use, next try to get eps you can use. There are bargains on both the new and used markets. They can be remarkably good value and although not an obsession . Quite a few have come with scopes that I bought, preloved.

I have been lucky to build up a useful set including,

Meade 5.5mm UWA, giving lovely sharp wide views.a favourite for binaries and planets.

TMB 4.5mm , for those rare perfect nights.

Antares 6mm Plossl, so cheap , but pin sharp on planets.

Old style Celestron Ultima 7.5 mm , class act.

My venerable grenade , Meade 5000 8.8 mm , lovely.

Old school Vixen 10mm Plossl used with ed Vixen Barlow x2.

The stalwart 25mm and 12mm Bst Explorer, first upgrade from supplied eps.

Generic 40mm and 32mm Plossls.

Meade 4000, 6.4, 9.7, 12.4 and 15mm. Totalled £40 on ebay in unopened boxes.

Hyperion 10mm and 21mm, don't knock them, newbies and kids just love looking through the big end.

SW grenade 15mm SW Panorama, gives a bit of a spacewalk.

The pin sharp Revelation Barlow x2.5, real bargain for the performance.

Orthos, 9mm Kelner and 6 mm Circle T.

Keep an eye out, I rarely buy new. Incoming a 31mm Baader Aspheric, for those dark skies.

I made a bigger ep tray to hold just a few when observing. It also holds my glasses, notes and junk !



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Keep an eye out, I rarely buy new. Incoming a 31mm Baader Aspheric, for those dark skies.

I made a bigger ep tray to hold just a few when observing. It also holds my glasses, notes and junk !



A tray to hold a few Nick!!!!  :laugh: You could get all yours and mine on there matey!

Like it though, set me a thinking  :cool:

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Interesting collection Nick. :smiley:

Judging by your observing reports I'd say they are doing an excellent job for you :smiley:

I can't understand this obsession with eyepieces myself. Fortunately I've been able to avoid it during the years I've been in the hobby :wink:


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Nice collection Nick, I only have had the 5.5mm UWA and it was very good against even the 6mm Delos, but it was the wrong colour, if you know what I mean. I am very ill with what ever thay call this but I have just got rid of 11 eyepieces in an effort to cure myself.


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