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Starlight Live V1.0


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Hi All,

Starlight Live 1.0 is available to download for both Mac and Windows:

Win32: 'Starlight Live' for Windows - version 1.0

OSX: 'Starlight Live' for Mac OSX - version 1.0

This is baselined on V0.12 of Lodestar Live, renamed and then with the changes as listed below.

This is a little bit of a half-way house version - I am still working on multi-spectrum and some stacking modifications to cater for multi-spectrum and the Ultrastar camera, in addition to performance enhancements, but now the camera is shipping I wanted to get an initial version out there. Don't be surprised if some objects don't stack correctly when using the Ultrastar.

You will also notice the Exposure Tab works slightly differently (this is in preparation for multi-spectrum...).

From the change log (differences to Lodestar Live V0.12):
- Fixed issue with progressive camera interface which was not clearing pixels correctly on initial start of an exposure sequence.
- Increased zoom selection line width to 3 pixels to display better when used with higher resolution cameras.
- Added date and time (in UTC format) to FITS headers using DATE keyword.
- Increased number of image buffers to 15 to cater for slower machines or when virus scanners kick in (this only really affected small exposure times)
- Modified alignment cross size to be relative to camera image size.
- Modified focus detection area to be relative to camera image size.
- Corrected bug that prevented focus measurement functioning when there are multiple stars in the focus area
- SX Ultrastar, SX-825 support in addition to other SX cameras
- RGGB colour support (Ultrastar-C)
- Added stacking processing time to statistics display. This way user can easily see if processing time is exceeding exposure time and increase exposure time accordingly to avoid dropped images.
- Display processing tab 'Modify All' and 'Auto Align' default to enabled at start-up.
I am currently working on the following (prioritising stacking updates):
- Multi-spectrum real-time viewing
- Stacking enhancements (speed and reliability)
- Invert filter
- High resolution performance enhancements
- Display camera properties
- TEC and binning support
- Save stacked images as FITS (control will be on stacking tab)
- QT style sheet for dimmed display for night vision (red / black?)
- Image repeat mirrors main display zoom (currently no zoom)
- Display processing Reset resets all channels - this is is more intuitive for multi-spectrum
- Add other data items to FITS files (scope, expoure length, camera details etc)
- Add channel selection to automatic filenames (multi-spectrum).
- Allow multiple connected cameras
- Capture session as a video
Any stacking and performance updates ahead of full blown multi-spectrum will get rolled into a V1.1, and when multi-spectrum is available this will be V2.0.
Always have fun and enjoy clear skies!  :grin:
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Hi Paul

I've been away for a while due to work/personal circumstances and am amazed to see what's been going on!!

As the dark nights draw in I'll be firing up the Lodestar once again and look forward to trying out the new version of your excellent software.

Clear Skies


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Hi All,

Starlight Live 1.0 is available to download for both Mac and Windows:

OSX: 'Starlight Live' for Windows - version 1.0

Win32: 'Starlight Live' for Mac OSX - version 1.0


Just checking as I am being a bit dense. the one titled OSX shows Windows Download and the one Titled Windows shows OSX. I making the Assumption that the titles ae just reversed as I have downloaded the one titled OSx onto a Windows machine and the world seems to still be spinning and I have not been devoured by SIRI.So just a heads up.

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HiI wonder if you could help this dimwit.  I have just received my SX-825 but when I plug it in to Starlight Live I get nothing, when I press the start exposure button nothing happens. i have tried Lodestar live 12.0 also and its the same thing. When I attached my lodestar X2 everything is fine and the exposure setting run.

I have run the SX-825 in Starlights software that comes with the camera and it connects to that ok. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks


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I am not Paul but here are a few things to check.

1. Have you installed the SX drivers? What version of the drivers are you using? (I use v1.2.0.1)

2. Is the camera recognized by its drivers? (In Windows you would check this in Device Manager. I don't know how Apple works.)

3. Does StarlightLive  connect to your camera? In the lower left corner of the StarlightLive sceen there is a little icon that looks like a USB plug. Does that icon has an X or a check mark on it? If it is an X, then your camera and StarlightLive are not connected.

(3.a. Don't expect LodestarLive v.0.12 to recognize an SX-825 and connect to it.)

4. Have you connected the camera to a 12v power source (AC adapter or battery)? The SX-825 does NOT work without an external power source.(The Lodestar does.) There are two power connectors on the SX-825. One for the external fan and one for the camera itself. The camera has to get power, it's not enough, if the external fan is spinning.

Please check these things. If it still doesn't work, please let us know what operating system you are using and what you see in Device Manager about the camera. 



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Ops - well spotted I posted the links around the wrong way. I don't think I can edit them now?!

Tam - let me know how you get on with Dom's suggestions. Failing that the other reason is that your camera has a product I'd that isn't in the list in the app. We can sort that though by determining what it is and using a command line override (SL has the sam command line override as LL but has device Id's for the list of cameras i had available).

If your device ID is different I can check with SX for a definitive list and get this in as a quick easy 1.1 update.

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Hi and many thanks for your replies and help.

Firstly I am running a Windows 10 (not impressed) laptop.

The SX drivers installed are v1.3.2.1 and the Camera is recognised by the Starlight Trius software that came with the camera.

It is not recognised by Starlight Live the little icon at the bottom has a grey cross on it. The camera is powered up with the supplied cables.

In Device Manager it is listed under Universal Serial Bus devices: Starlight xpress CCD.

The manual says there should be a diamond shaped symbol labelled BlockIOClass device listed in Device Manage  with Starlight Xpress USB 2.0 sxv-sx9 camera driver, but that is not there at all.


The camera is brand new straight out the box yesterday SX-825 but the manual says I should look for the sxv-sx9 drivers and that is what I downloaded.

The only thing I have not done yet is delete everything and start again but as the Trius software worked I wasn't sure.

Hope that helps


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Hello all involved,

Here my update in a short way.. I had the SXV-M25C with the driver version (version installed on my WIN7 64BIT Laptop installed,  and the newest version of Starlight Live 1.0 did not recognize the CCD.. Then did uninstall the driver version (version and did exchange it with driver version (version and VOILA, suddenly the Starlight Live 1.0

did recognize the CCD and I was able to make some actions.. though I was not able to see anything.. since I did test the functionality at home.

By next possible slot, I will test the CCD with Starlight Live 1.0 and Hyperstar and see how it works..

Thank you to Paul and STARLIGHT XPRESS for offering the Starlight Live 1.0 and excited to see which improvements could be available and possible

for the future..

Regards and CS


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Hi Tam

The following links will hopefully help find the product ID:



You will have to read between the lines and apply the instructions to the camera but hopefully will help!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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One other question for you Tam - do you have the SX-825 C (colour)?

I have just checked the Windows driver INF file and it has more devices listed in it that what I have added into the app. When I get a moment I'll add all these devices into the device list SL searches for and issue a new build (give me a day or two..).

I might do a catch all for any devices with the SX vendor ID (this would prevent issues for cameras I have not added in...)

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Morning, OK using the USBView link I came up with this id product is 0x0189

Using the second link you provided the following came up: USB\VID_1278&PID_0189&REV_000 and on the second line: USB\VID_1278&PID_0189

I have the Mono version of the SX-825.

I think I will do a deletion of the drivers and sortware and try again and see if it makes any difference. 


Thanks for letting me know, its good to know it should work.



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Further to my last, I have just completed a complete deletion of the Starlight xpress stuff from the Laptop and then re-installed as previously.

No change, My lodestar x2b works fine but the SX-825 isn't seen by Starlight Live. The Trius software see's the camera as before.

Ah well, will hope Paul can come up with something.



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Right mystery solved!

The PID I have for the SX825 is wrong (Dom your camera might have the wrong firmware in it and that might explain those vertical lines...).

I now have a full list of the PIDs and will get a code update to fix this - however in the mean time if you star starlight live from the command line with the 'force-sx-pid' argument you can override the product id:

Starlightlive.exe force-sx-pid 0x0189

It should work...

Will be fixed in a V1.1 update in the next day or so!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Apologies if I missed this somewhere for an earlier version, but when I download the OSX version, I get whinges about running untrusted software until I go into the settings and allow it to execute anyway.  Is that expected?  This is on Yosemite.


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