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M27 after sorting out how to use DSS


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I managed this after a number of unsuccessful attempts

My guiding was off but this is now sorted for next time (I hope!)

Subs: 36 x 90 secs

Integration time: 54 minutes

No darks, flats or bias


Some useful information:

M27 Data Table

Messier 27

NGC 6853

Name Dumbbell Nebula - 

Object Type Planetary Nebula

  1. (A planetary nebula, often abbreviated as PN or plural PNe, is a kind of emission nebula consisting of an expanding glowing shell of ionized gas ejected from old red giant stars late in their lives)

Constellation Vulpecula

Distance (kly) 1.36

Apparent Mag. 7.4

RA (J2000) 19h 59m 36s

DEC (J2000) 22d 43m 17s

Apparent Size (arcmins) 8.0 x 5.6

Radius (light years) 1.44

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Much better than the double image you posted of this. It doesn't hurt my eyes now. Well done


I am still unsure why they happened but it seems to have sorted itself.

Can I ask what is a good quality score for an individual image in DSS?

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I've found that it all depends on how high your start detection is. If it's around 30% and it's detecting let's say 80 stars, each image will have a lower score than if it detects 200.

My scores range from 800 to just under 2000 and I usually set my detection so it finds about 150 stars.

Also better guiding will give better results. The rounder and smaller the stars, the better it'll detect.

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It may be just me and although this image doesn't suffer from double vision, I feel that the original you posted on the 16h had better colour and detail, the stars also had colour which have been lost in this version.

I'd have another crack at it because if you can get the same colour as the first image and the alignment of this one you will have a cracking good M27 image...

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