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I was hunting for M51 but gave up as I was getting a sore neck ;) Anyway I went on a little whiz around the sky and happened to find M13 :) Got everything all centered and focussed, set the camera for 1 minute exposures and....nothing :( Could not get the lobng exposure function to work at all. Then after 40 mins of mucking about, resetting this, unplugging that, I remembered that I had sort of tripped over one of the cables! 2 mins later and I had unscrewed the remote shutter plug and found the cable had snapped of :x at least I had an explanation of the problem.

All of the above is an explanation of why this is only 30second exposures, wish I could have gone to a minute or 2 as I had spent an hour getting my polar alignment bang on but hey ho!


(click to enlarge)

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I understand your anger on that, but it's not a bad shot at all! as always, can't do it myself, so play with other people's work.. hope you don't mind. again ;) I might have overdone it a bit though :insects1: ..



(click to enlarge Blinky's M13)

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Mainly curves. Replaced colour on couple of spots as well, to smooth up the background after playing with curves. A little bit of hue-saturation for the same reason. In general, it is easy job those curves, for people who know what they're doing. Well I use Ctrl+Z a hell of a lot ;)


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