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28-04-2015 Quark Lift off prom well...........lifting i think.


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Well at least I think thats what I caught.

Seeing was terrible here but you still gotta give it a go.

Anyway there are a lot wrong with these, mainly my flats were dire, how do you do flats for over exp proms or can you sort it in PS ?

Hope they are ok & thanks for looking.








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Very nice collection, Ewan  :laugh:  :laugh:  I especially like 1, 2 & 6.

Luke best way to do flats for proms ?

I have no trouble with the 'normal' 0.5FR view & flats.

I assume I am meant to shoot an overexposed flat capture for the proms same as for normal exp.

Thanks for the feedback always appreciated.

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Thank you everyone.

I saw the video link  Steve Ward posted, checked it out then realised I have a bit of that :grin:

Really regret browsing the disc but so is life.

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Well caught Ewan, I just caught the beginning then it  clouded over.


Cheers Dave

Yep it was pretty high fuzziness here too but I just hoped I would salvage something.

Better days to come though.

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Ewan, I am not sure about flats for the prom shots, it's something I have been wondering about myself :confused:

Most of the time I don't do separate prom shots, I get disc and prom in same shot so just use the same flat for all of them.

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Ewan, I am not sure about flats for the prom shots, it's something I have been wondering about myself :confused:

Most of the time I don't do separate prom shots, I get disc and prom in same shot so just use the same flat for all of them.

With the right settings I can capture the same as you but tbh I am still experimenting...............just not very well so far.

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