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2nd light Quark with Prom


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After all the helpful advice in this section I bought a 0.5 FR for the DMK, a much more favourable fov is now doable.

Not much happening on the disc this afternoon but I did see two proms on the western limb (may be eastern as the image maybe upside down I always forget :rolleyes: )

Using IC Capture I was doing 60 sec captures but sometimes it was reporting it had captured 1200 frames when it actually done 3600, anyone else found this ?

I have now managed my first combined normal / prom process in PS, not sure if the colour is right.

I have pm'd Luke asking how his images have a 'finer' surface detail as opposed to mine, is this down to tuning the quark ?

Constructive comments really welcome & hope you like these.





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Excellent Ewan.

In the past I have had the DMK do odd things in IC capture. It used to double up the frames and for every frame it took it would take one or two black frames.

To be honest I either forget or never found the cause of this but after switching to firecapture it doesn't seem to be an issue any more.

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Very nice, Ewan, looks like good processing to me, only your second shots, very well done!

Not sure why the image is a little soft, I can't tell myself what the cause is. Maybe someone else has a better idea, but my guesses would be:

  • seeing not quite good enough for the image scale
  • focus a touch off (I still struggle with focus at times, today I made a real mess of focus and ended up re-shooting everything - twice!)
  • I don't think it's this, but radius too large when sharpening? If you do a two pass sharpen (larger radius first, then smaller radius) then sometimes it seems to work for the first pass to almost look undersharpened, it should come together in the second pass.

My best guess would be focus just a little off. How does your sharpest frame look in Autostakkert? It should look reasonably sharp if your focus was on. And it might still look sharp even if your focus was a bit off due to sun coming in and out of focus. But if it's not sharp, I would think maybe focus was not quite there.


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Oh, or as you say, the tuning. Does the image look good through the eyepiece? I'm a believer in, if it looks good, it should image good.

Thanks for the feedback Luke, lack of sun = lack or trying :mad:

Tbh I havn't even viewed through it yet, maybe I should do before shooting my next set.

I am just running all the grabs through PiPP / Auto with different settings to see if things do improve,

The wavelets in Registax seem to do a better job than PS from what i have tried so far, fairly acquainted with them as I do planetary as well.

What about the surface detail Luke looking 'chunky' ? , maybe its just me or the DMK res.

Does tuning alter this 'look' or just what you can see ?

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it could be down to the seeing and frames rate. I've had days where I thought the avi's weren't bad but just couldn't get a decent stack. I'm learning to see when it's not worth carrying on. Also I find that things are best after an hour or so, quark warming and scope equalising maybe  

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After the helpful comments I knew I was going wrong somewhere, now I am not saying it's just processing but I have redone a set using Registax wavelets, see what you think.


I used the 'noise' trap technique in wavelets & it has paid off to a degree.

Now to process this afternoons 4.2GB's :eek:

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