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First go at solar observing


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I've avoided solar observing out of fear of going blind, but the eclipse tempted me...

I converted my ST80 to a white light solar scope for the eclipse. I have a full aperture solar film mask on, but have stopped the scope down to F9 to sharpen up the image and remove CA.

I couldn't use the scope on Eclipse day, so today was the first opportunity. Using a 13mm hyperion (31x magnification), the detail on the sun was wonderful, with six sunspots visible, including a group of at least three. Also the sun surface around that group seemed different to the rest of the solar surface... as if it was silvery or twinkly.

I think I will keep my ST80 permanently configured as a solar telescope :-)

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Its always a nervous moment when you observe the Sun through a scope for the first time no matter what filter you use. I was terrified a couple of weeks ago when i first used my Hershel wedge and ND3.0,polarising and solar continuum filter.

I put my faith in the good people of SGL who advised me, and i went for it.

My permanent solar set up now is my 70mm Travelscope refractor,hershel wedge and ND 3.0,Solar continuum and Polarising filter.

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I had my first look at the sun through a scope at SGLX over the weekend (many many thanks to Moonshane, BigSumorian and Jamie).

"Ambivalence" summed up my expectations......

Boy, has that changed now! What a dynamic beguiling wonderful experience.

Now I get it.

Try it.


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it's definitely addictive. what could be better than sitting in the sun with a brew or sarnie, enjoying constantly changing features rarely seen by most astronomers!

don't underestimate how good a standard PST is as an intro into HA solar. you can get a used one for about £300+ if you are lucky and quick. with that and some ingenuity, and a little more money, you can have a PST stage one mod. and so it goes on.

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