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First planetary image - Saturn


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After my first try at the moon I add to try a planet.

I was convinced that I would bag Jupiter first, but my observing conditions being the worst, when Saturn presented itself on a silver plate yesterday, I had to grab it !

Reeeaaaallly small (I need to buy a barlow, my FL being 1500 I learned by another forum user that I should go at ~3000 FL to make the most of my webcam's pixel size) Also the moon was at 60% and very close to Saturn so I don't know how this would affect the image ...

but enough excuses and behold: this is my first planetary attempt, ever.

Saturn 20150312T061251UTC

Please be gentle ;)
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People outside the hobby don't realize the time and effort put into such a simple task: taking a picture

Thank you guys for your good words :) I could not have done it without the help and encouragement of this forum !

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Very nice capture of Saturn. Last year was my 1st with this great hobby. I had to learn my scope and camera at the time. A lot of trial and error! Saturn was my main project. Attached is my best of last year. Thanks for sharing. Clear skies.....


Wow very nice :) Did you use your ZWO ASI120MM to capture this one ?

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Excellent! :smiley:  Rings are presenting nicely. You have done well - Saturn is not going to be easy being so low down.

                           Best regards,


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Did a bit of reprocessing.

Actually I used the 'join mode' in PIPP to process in one go my 3 AVIs, then I used AS!2 to sort the best frame out of 6,000 (!)

Saturn 20150312T061251UTC 2ndPass

I find that It came out nicer, more 'natural'. I was able to go easy on the wavelets this time ;) Still very small though.
I did some experiment with a 3x Barlow. The problem is that I went for a 352x288 resolution for whatever reason ... So the result is nice but resolution is poor :( and thy sky is bluish not black as in the first one ..

Saturn 20150323T052312

I'll do better next time, not an excuse but seeing was really bad that night. I find the hard way that seeing is 90% of the quality...
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