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Terrible seeing Sun 16/02/2015


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The seeing was terrible as I mentioned in a different thread...

All my disc shots were bin material, but strangely the proms came out ok.

Full disc in Ha.

Full Disc in white light - this was taken with a ST102 - with just the little centre part open on the dust cap (with solar filter obviously)- and even then I had to use a Long Pass Filter to darken the image down, and even then it was 1/10000 of a second (the camera doesn't go any lower!)

A wide angle shot of some proms.

Finally some proms.

Hope you like.



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Thanks guys!

Being unemployed does have it advantages :) I can get the scope out any time I want!

Yeah it is over exposed Michael, I'm not very good at the very low power shots. I really struggle with the sweet spot. If I get that right the outside of the disc is way too dark and vice versa!

Really don't know what to do about it.


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