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Loading Cartes du Ciel with comet data

alan potts

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I have more than a few laptops and many software programs on them but on my LX I have tended to use the Meade program. This however as many times as I have tried never seems to have comet data uploaded to it. I can connect in the obsey to the internet as well but I must do something wrong.

My main use of the laptop is for startmaps and goto combined and whilst the computer is not new it is a very high spec Dell model made for professional use with the RS 232 port.

I was thinking of giving Carte du Ciel a try which I have loaded, can someone either take the time to tell me how to up load data or is there a link showing how for software dimwits like me and I do mean dim.


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No disrepect inteneded, but whenever someone tells me it's simple I never seem to get it right. I have used the loader to load an MPC file and a KML file and as far as I see I have done this and there is Nothing showing on the charts and I know where Lovejoy is. Any ideas apart from get someone that knows what his doing? 


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You two are not just pretty faces :grin:  . So I guess you have to do that with every comet that you wish to view, I thought they came up straight away as you input the data file, didn't realise you had to call them up.

Now all I have to do is put it in the other laptops.


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It's proper designation is: C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy). At least this is what I've loaded into The SkyX, and what is on my Stellarium screen as well. Stellarium loaded this automatically - I did'nt touch it! The Stellarium-team never ceases to amaze me.

Clear Skies & Tails,


Edited by Dave In Vermont
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Well thankyou for all your help, I managed it now. The trouble is I do not use these programs enough and I forget how to sometimes. Ten years ago I was very good on Photoshop as I used it most days, now it is easier to use I am lost on it.


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I will try it but 2004? not 2014,


Oops, yes 2014 it is :blush: Was getting mixed up with Asteroid 2004 BL86

It's proper designation is: C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy). At least this is what I've loaded into The SkyX, and what is on my Stellarium screen as well. Stellarium loaded this automatically - I did'nt touch it! The Stellarium-team never ceases to amaze me.

Clear Skies & Tails,


Yes. you're right that C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is its proper designation and that also works in CdC.  I just happened to find that leaving off the initial "C/" worked too. :smile:

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It did not require it for the LX, worked like a dream, prefer it to the Meade program which I have to say is in need of a face lift.


IRIC, comprehensive documentation is available on how to interface applications to Meade LX scopes (e.g. http://www.meade.com/support/LX200CommandSet.pdf). So quite a few third party developers have implemented direct interfaces to Meade kit in their applications rather than having to go via ASCOM.

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I use Cartes du Ciel & ASCOM for directing my HEQ5 and PHD2 for guiding. CdC's comet download was very handy for Lovejoy. I have just been delving into PHD2 functions a bit more in the last few days, and it has a Comet Tracking tool, which I played with in the simulators.  I also found a note about the beta version of CdC where Patrick Chevalley says "I add a function to Cartes du Ciel planetarium to interface with PHD2. The main function is to send to PHD2 the offset rates for moving objects such as comets or asteroids. After the setup and connection between the two software, you can click on a comet on the map, send the displacement rates to PHD2 and enable the displacement." [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/open-phd-guiding/UPpGanZS5xQ]. I guess this will be in the new Tool Box currently in beta. Very handy I imagine. Hope it comes out soon!

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Just a follow up. I just downloaded the beta version of CdC and used the PHD link in the new Toolbox to send Lovejoy's rates to PHD, then simulated tracking. Worked a treat. The link to Patrick's post was messed up in the previous post but an easy route to information is


Edited by AllanJ
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After having a play about I managed to load CDC up with all sorts of stuff and it works really well, as I said before just a case of knowing which buttons to press. I stopped short of going down to stars of the 16th magnitude though just in case the computer exploded.


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Have you found the display comets button Alan?


And while we're on the subject... Has anyone had problems with CdC and Lovejoy's position?  My gotos have been off - while fine for other objects.  Very odd!


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