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What would you get?

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Have a budget of £300 and was wondering what people would get with it?

Bulk is going to go on a guidecam but the rest is up for grabs......

Not thinking about any software here as that is covered from capture,combining and processing....so all is on hardware linked to imaging.

Inspire me....

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Another good choice there but guides cope covered too as came with the scope. Have adaptor already for qhy-ii so was thinking of heading down that route. Am keeping an eye on astrobuy for any good bargains but not seen anything that tickles my whistle atm

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Might help if we knew what bits you already had? :)

Would make some sense and help I suppose ...... :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

As mentioned, coma corrector, LP filter, guidescope, laptop, 3 miles of tangled cables, set of eyepieces, 2 x Barlow, extension tubes, QHYII guidecam adaptor for guidescope.

Was thinking of getting a powered USB2 hub too to help reduce the cable tangle.  Would be able to get it down to 1 cable from laptop to hub and then cables out from there to guidecam and Nikon.  Would then be able to do away with having the USB to serial adaptor going into the handset as can run ST4 cable from guidecam and then use 'on camera' guiding.

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Quick update today after some busy 'work' time....thinking of getting a dew shield for front.  Realise that Newts are not as prone to dewing as other scopes, but one site I was reading on was on a bout having the end of the tube extend at least the diameter of the scope infromt of the focuser, which my tube does not do.  Cant see it doing any harm and will also help reduce any stray light entering teh tube from neighbours insecurity lights and the such

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Is the Nikon D7100 astro modified? If not then i would get that. In any case i would get the Backyard Nikon true dark current patch for your camera.

For 150 pounds you could also buy a used D5100 to do the mono conversion mod.

For the left over 150 pounds you buy a second used D5100 because the first mono conversion attempt destroyed the camera. Now the second attempt succeeds and you have a camera for narrow band imaging :)

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Second hand or new short tube ED Frac. I love my SW Equinox 66 although sadly I don't think they make them anymore. 

Another scope would deffo tip Mrs S over the edge and I would have a very odd walk as I had a short tube inserted where they really should not be..... :eek:

Go with a QHY5L-II color guidecam, they are cheaper than other cameras and work great even if it's color.

Maybe you could buy a motorfocuser?

Have been looking at this (have another thread on here ref guidecams) and will be going for the colour QHY5L-II.  Will work fine with my guidescope and has the double bonus of allowing me to use it for solar system imaging.

Is the Nikon D7100 astro modified? If not then i would get that. In any case i would get the Backyard Nikon true dark current patch for your camera.

For 150 pounds you could also buy a used D5100 to do the mono conversion mod.

For the left over 150 pounds you buy a second used D5100 because the first mono conversion attempt destroyed the camera. Now the second attempt succeeds and you have a camera for narrow band imaging :)

No, the D7100 has not been modded for astro use as I use it heavily for standard photography too.  Not heard of the true dark patch...will do some Googling this afternoon and see what that is all about.  Did think of getting a modded body, but think that in the long look I will stick with standard and wait until I have enough experience and cash and move over to CCD imaging to cover that side of things

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Just looked and the True Dark looks like a good thing.....except it is not yet available for the D7100, which is a great shame.

Will keep an eye on the website there and hopefully they will bring an update out soon that will allow it on the D7100

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So far have got a colour QHY5L-II that Kropster kindly pointed out was in the classifieds.  Thats £130 down which leaves £170 left to go.

After cleaning and respotting my mirror this weekend am not feeling much love for my laser collie and am thinking of getting a catseye auto collie and cheshire tube to use instead......

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