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I Finally Did It. I Wrote Out My Filter Collection.

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I eventually got tired of procrastinating and went digging through my gear boxes. And then I actually consolidated the filters and made a list. Any idea for my next one?

1. Rainbow Optics Diffraction-Grating Cell 1.25”

2. Astronomik H-beta Filter

3. Astronomik CLS-Filter

4. Astronomik UHC Filter

5. Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD-Filter

6. Baader Solar Continuum Filter

7. Baader Violet-Rejection Filter 2”

8. Baader Infra-Red Blocking Filter

9. Baader UHC-S Nebula Filter

10. Baader Contrast Booster Filter

11. Baader Fringe-Killer Filter

12. Baader APO Filter

13. Baader Multiband Moon & Skyglow Neodymium Filter

14. Baader OIII Filter

15. Sirius Optics Contrast-Enhancement (CE1) Filter

16. Sirius Optics Mars 2003 Filter

17. Lumicon Swan Comet-Filter

18. Schuler 1.25” UV Violet Venus-Filter

19. Orion 1% – 40% Variable Polarizing-Filter

20. Orion Ultra-Block UHC Filter

21. Orion 13% Moon Filter

22. Orion Violet 47 Filter

23. Orion Blue 80A Filter

24. Orion Blue 82A Filter

25. Orion Orange 21 Filter

26. Orion Red 25 Filter

27. Orion Green 58 Filter

28. Orion Yellow-Green 11 Filter

29. Orion Yellow 15 Filter

30. Pro-Optic Yellow 8 Filter

31. Pro-Optic Red 23A Filter

32. William Optics VR-1 Violet Reducer Filter

33. William Optics VR-1 Violet Reducer Filter

34. Orion Narrowband Sulfur II Filter

Good heavens! Next up: My eyepieces.....

Clear Skies,


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Good grief !!!

Until very recently I had just the Astronomik O-III and was quite content.

No Omega DGM NBP on your list though so thats a possibility. I've just bought one and it's very impressive :smiley:

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Surely we have a badge for this? That's some collection, Dave!

Your next task: Stack em, every one! There'll be *some* light loss, granted but....enquiring minds need to know :D

Something tells me if I did stack all of these, aimed my scope at the Moon - I'd go down in the history books as the discoverer of the PHASER. I'd look in the eyepiece - and vanish in a puff of smoke.

You first,

Dave :evil::grin:

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Bloomin heck Dave that's some collection :Envy:. My sole purchase today of a Baader Solar Continuum kinda pales into insignificance against yours. But I'm looking forward to using it, of course when the snow finally disappears and the Sun puts in an appearance  :smiley:.

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