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what webcam for my scope

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Hi all.

I have purchased a 1.25 inch webcam adapter with a m12 x 0.5mm  thread and I am looking to purchase a webcam for it so I can use on my scope and take pictures of the moon e.t.c.

I am struggling to find a webcam which I can use to remove the thread and attach the adapter and whether or not it would work for taking pictures of the moon and stars?

Does anyone have any suggestions where I can purchase a camera which I can attach my adapter to and preferable for it to be nice and cheap :-) 



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Why not just get one of a number  of ready made 1 1/4" diameter webcams? Goes right in in place of eyepiece and some are cheap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Universal-1-25-0-3MP-Smart-Webcam-USB-Telescope-Digital-Camera-Eyepiece-/171460797927?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27ebdc25e7

The HP HD 4110 , although not cheap, gives full HD performance as is easily modified to fit the EP holder. See utube tutorial.

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Hi Pinhead, just asking because I understand some scopes have problem getting focus using any sort of camera, I don't know enough about it but someone will have a  200p, we have an old dob, I had to shorten the focuser to allow the camera to get closer (I took off the original and replaced it).  Another option is to move the mirror up the tube, slight change of focus points, as I said I don't know if this will apply to your 200p.

Kalasinman,  not seen them before - interesting, also found this one  be interesting to see some reviews of these cameras, good find.

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The HP may be ok, but it doesn't seem to be true 12MP.  For myself, I have HD video from my DSLR . Some time ago I tried video capture of the moon, just as a learning exercise. The video clip seemed ok, and I took some frames and stacked them too. I see no need for a cam if one has a DSLR.

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There should be no problem focusing with your scope. I have a 200P and have had no problems with my Phillips webcam. I have an unused PlayStation Eye PS3 webcam that can be modded. You can have it for free. PM me if you're interested. I think there are modding tutorials for the webcam on the Web.


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Thanks to everyone for there replies... I managed to come across a xbox live vision camera today which I managed to unscrew the lens and screw my adapter in :-)

I have yet to try some pictures but so far so good.

I will report back with some pics when weather is good or atleast take a pic of something.



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You will find it hard work with the dob (unless it's the GOTO version), to be honest.  It's far from an ideal scope to attempt imaging with.  Doesn't mean it can't be done, but it's certainly not something you see that often.

I'd not want to stop you from trying; just don't get too frustrated if it doesn't work out.


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Hi guys.

Just wanted to drop a quick update.

I managed to fit my adapter to the xbox camera with an ir filter built in but I have not been able to take any images.. Now I need to play around more with the software . Here are the pictures of the camera with the adapterIMG_20150114_023231549.jpg



For some strange reason it will not pick up any image whether being in daylight or looking at a full moon?

I have to be honest .. I am not that good when it comes to photography?

Is there something I am doing wrong or is it the camera as there is conflicting opinions whether the camera will work.



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