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First SGL post. NGC6726/27 using Hyperstar.


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Hello everyone...

I thought I would post a few of my Hyperstar images here and wanted to post something that is a little more remote for northern viewers. Since I now live in Tucson, Arizona, I am able to get more southern objects that I could living in Colorado.

This is a grouping of interesting objects in the constellation Corona Australis, It culminated just above a neighbor's roof top so it was a little difficult. The images shows Bernes 157 a dark nebula near the lower center and the reflection nebula NGC 6726 and 6727. Also visible is the variable reflection and emission nebula NGC 6729. IC 4812 surrounds a double star, Brisbane 14 at upper right. Finally, globular cluster NGC 6723 is visible and just into Sagittarius.

I image with a Celestron HD 1100, Atik 460EX (OSC) and a CGEM DX mount. I guide with a short orion 80mm wide field refractor and a SX Lodestar II. I use Maxim DL for equipment control and initial combining with Photoshop CS6 for final processing. I have only been imaging for a year now and am just getting the hang of things!

Clear skies!



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Thanks for all of the kind words, guys. I appreciate it!

Phil… my subs were 3 minutes and I took 30 of them. All were useable so 90 minutes total time.

I have many other HS images I'd like to post but would like to know if it would be more polite to star a dedicated Hyperstar imaging thread or post each image individually?

many thanks!


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Fantastic image! I'll echo what's already been said too, how cool to see a new subject :-) I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Hyperstar in terms of day to day use, ive got a cpc 925 and it's an option open to me, albeit in a while when funds allow :-)

Clear skies


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Thank you, Andrew. I have really enjoyed my Hyperstar system and had the luxury of the folks at Starizona training me on the weekends. They stay open on Friday and Saturday evenings for public outreach with telescopes set up and help all the noobs, like me learn to use their equipment. I am so grateful for all of the help Dean and Scott continue to provide.

I have many more images to post and I think it may be best for me to start a thread for Hyperstar here rather than post each image individually. If others feel differently, please let me know.



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I guess you could have a separate thread but dont see why. Its not as if there is a separate SBIG thread or Atik thread or anything so I would say fill your boots. Although I would suggest 1 or 2 daily if lots rather than complete saturation.

Just out of interest is the Hyperstar F2 on your setup?

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