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First Night!

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Well, after posting a couple of weeks ago that I'd ordered my "used once" SW127 AZ, as I predicted, the weather in Ireland has been clouds and rain since the postman arrived!!

Finally, this evening the possibility of clear skies, so set the scope up outside (living in very rural Ireland, I can leave it outside the house, no problems) to cool with the night.

I had problems doing a 2 star alignment, after skewing to the 2nd star it wouldn't let me fine tune the position. I eventually got round this by changing the skew rate, then it would let me!

As the moon is so bright, that was my target, and the obvious one for first viewing. Using the 25mm gave me a lovely cleaar view that almost filled the eyepiece. After 45 year of fascination, from listening to Patrick Moore commentating on the Moon landing, watching grainy black and white television, looking up into the night sky, I finally get a wonderful, clear, crisp view to bring the broadest of smiles to my face!

And, as all newbies do, changed to my 10mm AND added a 2x barlow (it had to be done) but by holding my breath, and concentrating on the edge of the moon, observed some amazing close-up double crators.

For a first night moon viewing, it couldn't be better :)

To finish off, and to play with the scope a bit, I went to the Tour menu and picked the Ring Nebula. Off it went and finally stopped, I looked, thinking the moon would be far to bright, but with the 25mm I could see the circle faintly!

Sorry about the length of this post but, as you may have guessed, I'm totally hooked on my upgrade of celestial viewing from eyes only to telescope and can't wait for the next clear skies!!

One final thing, the SW127 is a very good scope, the mount is a bit wobbly, but the AZ goto works very well. A very good first scope.



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Nice report. brought a smile to me as well remembering back. Thanks for that !

I was clouded out tonight. set up for a cheeky peek at the lunar surface (before cooking dinner), only to be thwarted... Never mind, there will always be another evening. good luck with your new hobby!


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HA! Chris, exactly the same feeling I had a few months back when I got my first "proper" scope - great feeling, glad you enjoyed it - and, as Paul says, try Saturn and Jupiter next. Jupiter was my first planet and Saturn is just mind-blowing everytime I see it! Great Stuff!

Not observed the Ring Nebula yet, so must try that one!

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Great report Chris and congratulations on getting your GOTO working first time out. From what I have read on the forum not many manage this.

I too remember Sir Patrick's moon landing commentaries and the wobbly black and white pictures that accompanied them.

You have plenty of treats in store, enjoy.

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Good to hear you are enjoying your new scope, and there are so many targets to choose from,

instead of randomly choosing targets, try to plan a session before hand, it is easier, and saves 

time when you know what you want to observe, take your time and spend time on each target,

the Ring Nebula seems to become clearer the longer you observe it, it's only a suggestion, but

I find it works for me, keep enjoying your scope and Clear Sky's. 

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