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The "No EQ" DSO Challenge!


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9 hours ago, SpaceDave said:

Great, I've downloaded DDS and have a video tutorial too :)

By chance a timely post has popped up which I think illustrates how much difference processing can make.

Don't get hung up on the details, but I think the various attempts at processing illustrate the point. It is often said that the various processing applications have a steep learning curve, more so with some applications than others, but it is worth getting to grips with it as it stands you in good stead for the future. StarTools is easier in some sense because it does all the subtle processing behind the scenes which with some applications have to be manually done. It does require a number of somewhat opaque parameters to be set though, but using the default settings does get you a long way.

Good luck, your journey starts here :wink2:.


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24 minutes ago, The Admiral said:

By chance a timely post has popped up which I think illustrates how much difference processing can make.

Don't get hung up on the details, but I think the various attempts at processing illustrate the point. It is often said that the various processing applications have a steep learning curve, more so with some applications than others, but it is worth getting to grips with it as it stands you in good stead for the future. StarTools is easier in some sense because it does all the subtle processing behind the scenes which with some applications have to be manually done. It does require a number of somewhat opaque parameters to be set though, but using the default settings does get you a long way.

Good luck, your journey starts here :wink2:.


Certainly noticed the steep learning curve with this hobby!

Thanks for the info, I’ll need to put some time aside to practice using these programs :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i thought i wiz doing ok but some of these are great.

beginner. telescope owner for 3 weeks.

Skymax 102, azgti. huawei p30 pro.

having never 'seen' a nebula before, or frankly expecting to be able to photograph one with this setup, i was impressed. most tricky thing i'm finding is focus at the mo.

Really enjoying this new hobby - ideal for lockdown (well.. with backgarden limitations.. im in bortle 6)



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M1 - Crab Nebula 130 10-second subs stacked with Siril and processed with StarTools.  Alas, yes.  I know I still have squishy stars.  Auto-focus works, but guiding doesn't.  PHD2 seems to hate my mount...not really designed for Alt/Az, I suppose.



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M82 - Cigar Galaxy, 200 subs @ 15 seconds stacked with Siril and processed with StarTools (although I did a quick-and-dirty test process with GIMP that resulted in an image that wasn't significantly different from this one).

I am very disappointed that I got no hint of the nebular flare that is supposed to extend above and below the galactic center.  Apparently, I need many more subs to get that feature.  A shame, as I would be reasonably pleased with this image if I didn't know about the nebula I failed to capture.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a surprise last evening.  The moon was making dim objects a bit tedious, so I started "collecting" Messier open clusters.  I really don't like open clusters as a rule, but conditions make limits.  In the midst of a quick peek at M-46 I found a smudge.  It wasn't dust or a cloud, so I looked further.  It was a nice little planetary nebula hiding in the cluster.  Imagine that!

NGC-2438 inside M-46 (100 - 20 second images stacked with Siril and processed with GIMP).


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22 hours ago, JonCarleton said:

NGC-2438 inside M-46 (100 - 20 second images stacked with Siril and processed with GIMP).

Now that's a nice find! I wasn't aware of that little Planetary but I'm going to look it up for sure!

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This is my first attempt at Astrophotography,  using a Star Travel 102, AZ Gti Mount and a unmodified Canon 1100d.

350 - 4sec (1600 iso) light frames, 30 dark and 30 flats.

Struggling to photograph anything else though, anyone suggest another one to attempt?


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