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The best small telescope for backyars with light pollution.

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I'm looking for a rather small and manageable telescope with little weight to observations in the backyard.
As a site with light pollution, not DSO, but planets, moon and double stars ....
Also, comment do not see the whole sky at once, but I have two separate sites, which would have to transport the telescope, although they are very close to each other ... which I think would be best to use azimuth mount ..
Could you give me some advice on what type of telescope, maksutov, refractor or newton and aperture would be better for a situation like mine.
Thank you very much for your advice.

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Perhaps consider a Celeston Nexstar 8SE. Good aperture yet portable, F10 will provide crisp views of the planets. For light polluted areas fit a dew shield (though always a good policy to fit one anyhow with Schmidt cassegrain's). I used to have 1990's C8 Celestar, which performed well on all subjects and was quick and simple to set up. 

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Perhaps consider a Celeston Nexstar 8SE. Good aperture yet portable, F10 will provide crisp views of the planets. For light polluted areas fit a dew shield (though always a good policy to fit one anyhow with Schmidt cassegrain's). I used to have 1990's C8 Celestar, which performed well on all subjects and was quick and simple to set up. 

This would be a good scope, but purely visual for Luna and planets i would suggest a 127 maksutov on an AZ4 mount

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This would be a good scope, but purely visual for Luna and planets i would suggest a 127 maksutov on an AZ4 mount

Yes a good suggestion, but may be also worth considering whether or not to go with a tracking mount for planets.

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Thank you very much All opinions!!

I have  a opportunity to buy  a Nexstar 6 SE...It is OK for this purporse?

Again Thanks.


it really depends on how far you are carrying it. It's a good scope and is easy  to carry from the house to the back garden or maybe a hundred yards down the road but add in the power tank and eyepieces etc and you are talking a 40lb weight to drag around. its doable but not comfortable  a few times of doing this and it may discourage you from using it at least thats what I found with my nexstar5. Don't get me wrong I loved the goto and miss it even now but I use a c5 spotter on a photo tripod and find it much less hassle to hike the 3/4mile or so  to  my viewing spot. If it really is a short distance the nexstar may suit you to a tee but I would suggest over a 1/2 mile and you may find it a burden

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