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moving secondary for photography

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Hi all,

I am wanting to use my 130p skywatcher for AP but know I need to move the secondary mrror, i haven't a clue how to do it and am hoping someone could help me out with advice on how its done.

many thanks in advance


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Oh......thought it was secondary mirror that had to be moved? Ok in that case....how do I move the primary and where to?

Also what are nose collers, how do these work and where do I get them from?

Apologies for all the questions, just eager to know.


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one that is shorter than you have now, a replacement?

How much extension is added to the camera by way of tubes. I'm just developing an image for you. the three components are the T-ring, the 2-1.25" adaptor without extension tube, and the 2" eyepiece adaptor.

All three fitted gives you more outward focus, just using the middle adaptor  with the T-ring should reduce the focal length.

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I use the t ring and t ring nose adapter, I have tried not using the nose adapter to get further inn but no luck, in the end what I did was chop off about 5mm off the focus tube as so to reach focus. ....and it did but, unfortunately, now to try to collimate the scope is a nightmare due to the focus tube is to lose.

I am getting a new focuser for the 130p due to me messing up the other one but dont want to go down the same route again.

This is why I want to find out about moving the mirror. If I could get a focuser that fits the 130p without doing much modding then I would....know of any? That dont cost more than the scope!

I have the 200p coming soon on eq5 but wanted to use the 130p on the eq5 mount for AP.


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.........so not too drastic a modification then? there's gotta be something to say about that :embarassed:  but whats done is done, to your loss at present :mad:  Don't be  chopping any more bits or adding anything just yet. let someone else take a look at your signature setup, and hopefully provide you a better solution. Unfortunately, I know of no second hand focusers for sale, but you never know, one may turn up. 

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You might be better off just getting a 130pds ota (£165 from FLO) rather than messing about so much. Failing that you could try a low-profile t-ring. I'm not sure you can get a low-profile focuser for the 130p. In any case, not worth the extra expense.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been lurking around this forum for months taking good advice and having nothing to contribute until now. So thank you Bungielad!

Anyway I have a 130p and had the same problem with inwards travel (tis quite common I've heard). I too cut a section of the focsuer off. I even had to go a step further and extend the primary mirror down the tube before I was able to reach prime focus.

I also had a problem with collimation after cutting the focuser tube. All I did to rectify this is put a couple of layers of electrical tape around the focuser tube, made a line where my DSLR reached focus and collimated at that line. It sounds silly but it worked and has continued doing so without modification for about 9 months.

I have some pictures of the focsuer and mirror mod somewhere if you're intersted? I can't post them at the moment though as I'm at work and their at home.

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