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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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Hi all

My first dso was this of the Ring Nebular.

I used a Canon D600 straight onto my Skymax 180 pro on a HEQ5 mount.

It was guided with a HQY5 (PHD) adapted onto a 9x50 viewfinder. I managed to get 32 shots at 3mins long with APT and stacked in DSS before the clouds came in. I know it's over done but I like it. Will be trying again another night but first I want to capture M45.

Anyone have any good camera setting iso etc.? Would be great full.!



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1st DSO image.

Canon 1110D with Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS L

2 sets of data, 1st was 120sec unguided, 2nd was 180sec guided. With darks.

Core is blown out, but it's a start.

Getting ready for my 1st winter of imaging, guiding is now up and running.



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  • 2 weeks later...

First attempt at a DSO. I don't have en EQ mount (currently saving for one) so I did this with an SLT mount.

Taken with Megrez 72 and Canon 1100d. There are 24 subs of 20sec stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and processed with

Nebulosity. No darks or flats (I wanted to make my life easier with my first experiment). Certainly

not as good as a several first attempts that I've seen on this thread, but I guess I'm kind of happy as a start


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Yeah I was really pleased to get some of the running man in! I'm going to try to get more data on it in the coming couple of weeks, hopefully bring out more of the running man.

I wasn't happy in the end anyway, so I went back and tweaked it a little bit, it's not got as much red glow on it now, which I prefer:


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  • 2 weeks later...

ok here's mine M45 first time on my own, using my Cannon1000d unmodded, SW200p, on a HEQ5 pro mount, unguided, 60, 30second subs. sky, slight cloud. processed a bit in photoshop (with guidance from Spikey)post-9404-0-58151400-1351536620_thumb.jp

Edited by thommo10
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Here's my first attempt. M57. I have been playing in photoshop for the last few days. There was quite a moon out when taken and didn't use any dark or flat shots. Just stacked what we were able to take. I don't think the mount was too well aligned. I have many things on my list to do different next time. Any advice would be much appreciated!

coloured final small

Here's another, different processing

ring nebula small

Here is a single unstacked frame.

ring nebula orig small

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