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It's Finished (Pier)


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Well I finally got the 'scope mounted on the pier this afternoon :lol: Really chuffed with it :D It looks better than I imagined it would! I have to put a little mortar between the stones and touch up a little of the paint that came off when I stuck a bag over it to protect it from the wind whilst drying.

Anyway here are a couple of images of the new setup.


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Well done Craig. The teamwork has paid off in a big way. That is one sturdy pillar, and nothings gonna move it.

I like the way you have dressed the area immediately around it too, your good lady should be pleased with it.

It will make a very big difference to both your imaging and observing sessions.

Great stuff.

Ron. :D

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Just back in from my first night with the Pier 8) So good not having to watch out for the legs. I was also able to get a few quick subs of M81 or M82 (Not sure what one yet, I did not have the reducer on the ZS66 so could only fit one on!) without the legs hindering things. My polar alignment was OK but could only get 45secs subs, I knew it was not perfect and the breeze was hampering things a little as well.

Overall I am very chuffed with it, setting up took a few mins, and it was pretty near polar alinged (Was good enough straight up for visual). I will need to refine the polar alignment more, but not overly worried about it. Other than that, the night was great :D

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I have an outdoor double socket that I plug the laptop into. I could get a 12v supply from Maplins but my thinking is if I do this I wont charge the battery pack, then when we go to Harperrig it will be flat! This way forces me to keep it charged, although I see maplin has a 12v supply on offer at the moment.....

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