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Hello from Dublin, California... again...


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My name is Darren and I signed up here a few years back to share a song I wrote called Sundown Horizon that philosophizes about the mysteries the stars and heavens hold for us.

The feedback was kind and appreciative and I thank you for that.

I have plans for a video of this song, which has been re-worked and re-mastered, and was hoping there would be some interest in submitting photography, time-lapsed or video of astronomical natures.

I tried creating a post in the Lounge regarding this last night, but I either didn't submit properly or it was rejected.

If this is not the right place to ask for such submissions, I certainly do not want to overstep any boundaries of this or any forum.

If anyone has any suggestions or questions, I would definitely appreciate any guidance in this regard; either on these forums or otherwise.

Thanks for your time...

Darren Lee Richardson

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Hi Darren & Welcome back to SGL. Hope all goes well for you with your video.  Try posting again, it's happened to me in the past, had the post typed went to submit it and I've lost it.

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Hello Darren and welcome to SGL. Music / video with Astronomical connections. As has been recommended, most of the subject matter you want to raise should be directed through the forums Lounge Section, if you are having problems, try reposting. If this is not successful you will need to contact the Admin Management, good luck with your project :)

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