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Why is Jupiter shown upside down?


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It's actually more to do with the Uncertainty Principle.

The very act of looking at Jupiter can flip it into one of two possible orientations.

I didn't know Jupiter was an elemental particle. Quite a big one then ;)

Other macroscopic entities exhibit quantum behaviour (like cats tunnelling through doors) :D

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Jupiter is upside down to show the view through your typical Newtinian reflecting Telescope.

The Catadioptric guys and Refractor users have diagonals and things that they use to interfer with the natural

order of things but the people who run this planet all have Newtonians. We demand that Jupiter is shown upside down

and the worlds media know better than to mess with us.

The other thing is that all out sketch templates are upside down, and if people think we are going to turn them around

180 degrees on a wwwwhhhim for some fractor-heads you've all got another thing coming.

Nuff said ?

very good......       Mick.

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As an aside: I have spent time trying to align the belts with the pixels of

my ersatz imaging. But I vaguely wonder if that might help. I guess this

depends on the direction you hope to optimise resolution? (or not) :p

OCD? Some might feel the belts look better at a jaunty angle too...  :D

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As Oli has already mentioned, it's only upside down if youre in the Northern Hemisphrere. Observers on the equator must be really confused as they might argue its on its side. I'm yet to see a book which shows that.


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As Oli has already mentioned, it's only upside down if youre in the Northern Hemisphrere. Observers on the equator must be really confused as they might argue its on its side. I'm yet to see a book which shows that.


Must get really confusing with Uranus then. It's already on it's side.  :icon_scratch:  :laugh:

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It's actually more to do with the Uncertainty Principle.

The very act of looking at Jupiter can flip it into one of two possible orientations.

I suppose it exists in both orientations simultaneously until somebody observes it?

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