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Atik One 6.0 first brief test


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I took this single frame unguided 12 minute exposure last week, it was my first outing with this camera having used DSLRs for years and so it was like going back to school. Learning Artimis capture, setting up the OAG and failing to get the guide camera to talk to PHD I was about to give up but thought what the heck I'll take one unguided frame just to check it out, this was saved as a FITS file when I thought I'd set it to save it as a tiff so I had no way to check it until the next day. I processed the file in Photoshop exactly the same way as I do with my DSLR images and was quite amazed at how much nebulosity had been recorded just 12 minutes with a 5nm HA filter, all I need to do now is work out how to connect the Atik GP to my IEQ45 and I can start gathering more subs :smiley:



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In what is normally just the dark part of the Trunk you have an incredible amount going on. I have never turned a tight Ha filter onto this target but I certainly must do so.

What were the optics here? The mount did very well, didn't it.


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Great image, great camera I've bought the same one. I'm struggling a bit with setting up te off-axis guider, I can get the camera to talk to Phd and the mount but the stars on the guide camera look really odd. I've tried moving the prism but struggling a bit as I can't find anything online of how to set it up I really could do with an idiots guide. The light nights and clouds are really not helping much


@SalAstroSoc & @astronut1639


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Great image, great camera I've bought the same one. I'm struggling a bit with setting up te off-axis guider, I can get the camera to talk to Phd and the mount but the stars on the guide camera look really odd. I've tried moving the prism but struggling a bit as I can't find anything online of how to set it up I really could do with an idiots guide. The light nights and clouds are really not helping much


@SalAstroSoc & @astronut1639


With respect to Mel's thread, I would first try pushing the OAG periscope prism down into the light cone till you start to see its shadow appear. Take longish exposures (20 secs, Bin 2) and give them a good screen stretch in Artemis or the shadow might not show. Once it does, back the periscope back up again a bit. This will give the the cleanest and brightest guide stars from the best available part of the light cone. You could probably do this bit using a flat panel or even light source, thinking about it. Refine the focus and that's it.


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With respect to Mel's thread, I would first try pushing the OAG periscope prism down into the light cone till you start to see its shadow appear. Take longish exposures (20 secs, Bin 2) and give them a good screen stretch in Artemis or the shadow might not show. Once it does, back the periscope back up again a bit. This will give the the cleanest and brightest guide stars from the best available part of the light cone. You could probably do this bit using a flat panel or even light source, thinking about it. Refine the focus and that's it.


Also previously with OAG's i've just had flat previews running in something like nebulosity and adjusted the mirror until i noticed a slight alteration in the pixel saturation measure. That seemed to work pretty well too and you don't have to rely on your eyes judging shadows etc.

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Going to hate me for this and I apologise in advance. :eek: :eek:

At my first sort of partial glance I thought it was a quarter section, or thereabouts, of the moon. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It was that curve at the lower section that made it appear such initially as well as the mono colouring, and for the life of me I could not place the crater. :confused: :confused:

Then the brain and eye coordinated a bit better. :grin: :grin:

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