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I'm thinking of getting this mount. We are looking at a second hand one, is there anything we should be looking for or be aware of?. The model is a year old we are hoping to look at it on Saturday and don't want be be caught out with a defective one!

Do you have any idea what it is worth second hand?

Also does this one track?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to be prepared!



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personally, I'd not pay more than 2/3's the new cost. I'd also need to see a demo of it in action (a blown circuit board cannot be seen just by looking :) ). release the clutches and spin 360 degrees a few times to make sure there's no tight spots. make sure there's no movement (worn bearings, wormgear). If possible take someone who you can trust that knows what they're looking at. sorry. not much help am I 

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For it being only a year old it shouldnt be in bad shape unless the owner did something to it. Looks for scrapes or cracks to see of they dropped it. Make sure it turns on and runs/tracks. (yes this one tracks). Look up the latest firmware version online and check it on the hand controler. Thats not a big deal but will tell you if they keep up with stuff.

As for price here in the USA they go for about $800-850. Not sure what that is in GBP.

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There is more than one version of the HEQ5.  There is a black one which is more basic.  Don;t know why they give them the same name.  

If you want to do imaging, then you'll need the HEQ5 which has a guide port.


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There is more than one version of the HEQ5.  There is a black one which is more basic.  Don;t know why they give them the same name.  

If you want to do imaging, then you'll need the HEQ5 which has a guide port.


Not sure about the colour thing but mine is the HEQ5 pro Synscan and it's black. Do you know if it is the Synscan version (with the guide port) or the Syntrek version or neither? You need to find out and make sure it is what you are looking for. It's a very good mount when fettled correctly.
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It's the white one pro version, only 12 months old... Going for 400ono.

At the moment I'm leaning towards a new a eq3 pro for portability, also I'm a complete novice so I would be learning from scratch.

If I do decide to get the eq3, it's will be used for nightscapes and viewing untill. It's either this or a ioptron/polarie.


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The HEQ5 is not too heavy.  It all depends what you want to do.  

If you want to image then I'd definitely go for the HEQ5, it's a tried and tested mount.  

Also you need to consider what weight telescope you want to put on it and check the specs for both.  


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HEQ5 is an excellent choice, you can bung quite a few different telescope types on that and it will be quite happy. Good choice for AP too, but if you get a 2nd hand one make sure you get the data cable with it so you can flash to the latest ROM and open up control via Stellarium (works great).

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