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Brand new to imaging, would like any helpful feedback.

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Hello everyone , im brand new to imaging and to telescopes in general.  Got bit by the bug at a friends house during the Blood Moon

just a month  or so ago . So  I began doing some research and I must say just reading posts from here led me in the right direction.

Only had my scope for a about 3 weeks . I Love It!!!!    did lots of reading on imaging and it has been my persuit ever since .

I think I have sone a fairly good job as being so new , but I would like some advice on some issues I am having .

Here is a history of my saturn atempts




I have come a long way in my mind , as for the first week of trying I couldnt even find Saturn with my webcam.

My question is at looking at the last 2 photos , Im not quite sure why im not getting better detail , and why images seem

so pixilated.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.

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Sorry new to this

Images were taken with 8"Dob first 2 images straight to scope, last image 2xbarlow

Used wxastro capture and sharpcap2  spc900sc webcam , ran through casrator and registax 6

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Thank u for the kind words. Dont get me wrong I am very happy with my latest image . Am just curious if thats about the best detail im going to achieve , and how much more detail can I gain my trying eyepiece projection?

8"Dob Spc900sc cam

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Unfortunately, planetary imaging is something I have little experience with. But im sure there will be somebody around shortly who is better qualified to help with your query in regard to eyepiece projection imaging.

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Hello Bunnygod1.

Thank u for the feed back. Imaging runs are 10fps about 2 minutes . I never even noticed that registax had a option for final image file type. It has been saving them as jpeg. What format would be the best?

Thanks again in advance.

8"Dob spc900sc cam , various filters , barlows and eyepieces.

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Nice progression of images! You should be proud of the 3rd shot. Very nice. You've got good focus which is one of the major difficulties.

The graininess is probably due to overdoing the wavelets in Registax. Try backing them off a bit starting with the top two sliders and the last two.

I used both barlows and eyepiece projection and before my Televue 4x Powermate, eyepiece projection with my Baader Hyperion Zoom gave the best results.

Keep up the excellent work, but I warn you that it is addictive! :D

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  • 2 months later...


Nice progression of images! You should be proud of the 3rd shot. Very nice. You've got good focus which is one of the major difficulties.

The graininess is probably due to overdoing the wavelets in Registax. Try backing them off a bit starting with the top two sliders and the last two.

I used both barlows and eyepiece projection and before my Televue 4x Powermate, eyepiece projection with my Baader Hyperion Zoom gave the best results.

Keep up the excellent work, but I warn you that it is addictive! :D

Thanks to you guys (Mitchelin,particularly)I've somewhat narrowed my search, ("somewhat" being relative).


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The 3rd image is very nice, especially if you move an extra foot back from the screen. The pixilation you mention disappears then. I suspect it's been just a little over-sharpened.

One thing to bear in mind is that few pictures of anything look their best in 1-1 resolution. I've taken to producing a downsampled version of any planetary images side-by-side with the original.


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