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Celestron Luminos 23mm & Televue Nagler 22mm T4?


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How wide is the gap in quality between these two eyepieces.The Luminos is an eyepiece that is asking a high price and by no means a budget eyepiece.The Nagler is a known quantity.Where would the Luminos come in the pecking order of good quality eyepieces availoable today?

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I have the older version (Axiom LX) of the Luminos 23mm and it is a good eyepiece, albeit, may suffer from a little internal light scatter from time to time, and though I have not tried the Nagler, if I were you I would go for it.  Too many risk factors with the Luminos, it's just not in the same league as the Nagler, in my opinion.  As you say, the Nagler is a known quantity.

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I've owned the Nagler 22mm T4 and that is right at the very top of the 82 degree eyepieces in my opinion - one of the very best. 

My guess would be that the ES 82's and the NIrvana / UWAN 82's and perhaps the Meade 82's are next in the pecking order and peck on the heels of the Tele Vue quite hard. The Luminos is probably next in the order but still a competent 82 degree eyepiece.

I guess it depends also on which scope the eyepieces are to be used in, how much of a "gap" in performance would be acceptable to you and how much of a price difference you are able / prepared to bridge to move up the packing order. In an F/10 scope the "queue" is more tightly packed than with an F/5.

What would be great would be if someone who has directly compared all these 82's could chime in  :smiley:

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Plus one on John's answer, I've seen a picture of the 22mm Nagler and it impresses me, it has also got very good eye-relief. I had the 20mm and the 22mm is meant to be almost as good. BTW the 20mm is reckoned to be about the best 82 degree eyepiece made.


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I have a Celestron C8 & 120 ED refractor.I do use two inch eyepieces.Both telescopes would be more forgiving of eyepieces.

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I have the 22T4 and it is superb. From what I gather the Luminos has a bit more eye relief than the Axiom LX which preceded it. I steered away from the Luminos series after reading this page:


On a budget I would look at the 24mm 82 deg MaxVision

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have you considered the tv pan if your budget is a bit tight, i have the 22mm but cant compare to the celestron, as i havnt looked through one

My impression is that OP has tried Pan 24mm Pan 19mm, MV 24mm (both 68deg and 82deg?).

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Off topic a bit,but I don't use my 21mm Ethos in my refractor (90mm) as it is too heavy(and long) for me and my set up.Maybe a 22mm Nagler is lighter?My 23mm Luminos works well @ f7 in the refractor....its heavy though too

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My 22T4 sits nicely in my 80mm F/6 APM, but then so does the 31T5 "Panzerfaust", so that set-up can handle a lot. The 22T4 is quite a bit lighter than the 31T5 however

I find that balance becomes so critical with heavy,long EP that I tend not to use them,but my Delos are ok-long but not too heavy.For a reasonable widefield @ 630mm FL I really like the 16mm Nagler and the ES 18mm.

That is a great set up Michael,I wish mine wasn't so balance sensitive

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I find that balance becomes so critical with heavy,long EP that I tend not to use them,but my Delos are ok-long but not too heavy.For a reasonable widefield @ 630mm FL I really like the 16mm Nagler and the ES 18mm.

That is a great set up Michael,I wish mine wasn't so balance sensitive

I think it is largely due to the mount. The Vixen GP is slight overkill for an 80mm F/6, and my home-brew alt-az mount, which I designed for the little LS35 and APM 80mm holds my C8 OTA without much trouble, so it is also a bit over-engineered

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I have a Celestron C8 & 120 ED refractor.I do use two inch eyepieces.Both telescopes would be more forgiving of eyepieces.

I have a Meade LX90 8" all my eyepieces work perfectly with this scope so as your  scope  It is the same as mine a f/10  and a very forgiving scope  C8 will be the same ,as for the 120 ED i have no experience with this scope 

If I was you I would pick the Nagler in a heart beat let us all know what you pick


I would say one of the most used eyepieces I have is a Nagler 12mm and then the 22mm

clear skies 

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