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M81 from 8th and 9th Feb


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I won't bore you again with my trials and tribulations over the past few days, it's all here http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,22761.msg232974.html#msg232974 However I did actually manage a couple of images. A hopeless output from such a fantastic spell of weather. This M81 was captured over 2 nights but the first night was poor because of high cloud. Saturday night was much better but still had to chuck away subs because of guiding problems

I was using Steve's ( FLO ) William Optics FLT 110 apo which I still have on loan

M81 lies in a poor part of my sky for LP so short subs. About 3 hours of 3 minute subs with a CLS filter. About 120 of each colour channel binned x2 R- 44 secs G - 40 secs and B -56 secs

Captured and combined with Maxim and processed in PS


(click to enlarge)

A larger image and more details on my web site http://www.astropixels.co.uk/

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M81 lies in a poor part of my sky for LP so short subs. About 3 hours of 3 minute subs with a CLS filter. About 120 of each colour channel binned x2 R- 44 secs G - 40 secs and B -56 secs

That made me smile to think of 3 minutes as being "short" :D Oh how I'd like to get to 3 mins....

Nice image! :D

Sorry to hear about your problems in your other thread, I really hope you get things fixed and sorted out quickly and painlessly (well, as painlessly as possible)


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That is simply stunning Martin one of the best I have seen for a while lets hope its not to long before your next one. Text book image indeed.

I have had a a couple of stabs at M81 and 82 this last week but have had problems with my mount not aligning and also guiding. Despite the clear weekend iv'e not managed to get any decent shots. When I resolved the mount issues on Monday the sky looked promising during the day but was 'carp' for imaging.



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Don't you dare contemplate giving this up Young Martin.

Everyone gets setbacks, although yours are another order of magnitude more severe I would say.You have a lot of classy and expensive equipment that has let you down, but it is fixable. You also have a great skill and talent which is more important, and that should not be binned. And I mean the dustbin kind of binned. The whole of SGL hold you in very high esteem. You are our own Pete. Lawrence mate, so don't you dare give up. Besides, you would only get another boat.

You will be back in business in a couple of weeks. Just take off somewhere, and have a break.

Also, that's a wonderful M81, evidence of what I have said. :D


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Very classy image Martin.

I agree with Ron, don't pack it in....he's right, you'll only end up with another boat!

A hole in the water to drop money into!!

Sold my 21 footer last year and built the obs with the money!



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Was hoping to have my first go at a galaxy tonight(weather permitting)and after seeing this beautiful M81 i will be trying a different one for fear of embarrassment. Just how do you get your images so sharp? :D :D

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