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Bands on stacked image

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Stretch a single sub first and see if the pattern is there, then stretch the clibration subs one by one and if these are clean then strecth the master clibration frames. the pattern is there then it is to do with stacking .


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The equipment used was QS1 660 TAK 106 with focal reducer  and guided with Atik titan.

I am going to retake flats and see if i get some banding. With exact same optical train! The individual frames show banding when stretched using Pixinsight. Not as pronounced.

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i have heard that running camera and mount off same battery can give grounding problems. is this what you are refering too?



Not specifically - just that unusual patterns in images could possibly have an electrical origin.  I have no idea if this is the case here, it's just a suggestion. I hope you can trace the source of your problem.



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Fitting ferrite suppressors (the type you often find on plug in mains adaptors) to each lead and grounding the mount is allways good practice and may help if the problem is electrical interference.


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Well QSI are recalling some cameras with this Sony sensor in them. My bad luck mine was one of them. Their post sale service is excellent they are offering  to pick it up and return it via UPS at their expense. So no complaints. :laugh:

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Well QSI are recalling some cameras with this Sony sensor in them. My bad luck mine was one of them. Their post sale service is excellent they are offering  to pick it up and return it via UPS at their expense. So no complaints. :laugh:


That's annoying. I hope they have a quick turnaround.


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Well QSI are recalling some cameras with this Sony sensor in them. My bad luck mine was one of them. Their post sale service is excellent they are offering  to pick it up and return it via UPS at their expense. So no complaints. :laugh:

At least they have had the decency of instigating the right action and not try and fob you off with mind boggling  excuses, good luck.


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