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The big Dob decision

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Well after several months of research, looking at quite a few scopes and generally driving my wife mad, I have finally decided that the advice given to me when I first joined SGL was right. So as I have a day off next week it my plan to order an 8" Dob on Monday so it can be delivered while I am at home.

Now the only choice is which one?

Skywatcher 200

Orion XT8


Revelation Astro 8"

The Skywatcher is the most popular judging by posts on here and other forums, but many people have commented that the stock EP's are not that good.

The Orion is a bit more money but comes with a better quality plossl EP, assuming I upgrade the Skywatcher EP's then the total cost for both scopes is pretty close.

Finally there is the Revelation, slightly cheaper than the Skywatcher but appears to be higher spec, dual speed focuser, two plossl EP's, cooling fan etc. But is it too cheap? Are they just trying to get market share in an area dominated by Skywatcher by being very sharp on price or is the build quality not quite up to the others?

Whilst these are not the most expensive scopes out there, this is going to be a big investment for me and while I want to get the best I can for the money, I don't want to be stuck with second best for the next few years.

Any and all comments regarding any of the above scopes would be greatly appreciated, failing that it will be down to the short straw to make a choice.

Cheers all.


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The Revelation is supposedly a GSO rebrand, so that would make it a cut above the rest.

Lately Guan Sheng are reputed to make their GSO mirrors to a gteed min 1/12 surface wave; not sure if this applies to the Revelation brand.

Aussies seem to swear by GSO.

Good luck

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I bought the Revelation 10" f5 dob from Telescope House on special offer £399 2 weeks ago. The price has now gone back up a bit though. They only charge about £2.75 postage which is amazing! The scope is gorgeous, the focuser is silky smooth and the mount uses a lazy susan roller bearing rather than the usual Teflon pads. This is really smooth too and easy to adjust the tension. Mirror seems fine, seen the red spot on Jupiter and 6 stars in the trapezium. All in all cannot fault the Revelation. I too was a bit dubious because of the price but when I phoned the shop I was reassured that they are really good scopes. Glad I went

for it! I would certainly recommend the 10" if you can stretch to it.

Hope this helps.

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The Skyliner stock EP's are modified kellner Eps'. Most people change their EPs for wider views( my choice, BST 60° AFOV against 52°stock and better eye relief + 13 mm )  Plossl  is renown for short eye relief, getting shorter as you lower the focal length of the EP's to such an extent that its uncomfortable for some, as and when  our eyelids touch the  eyepiece? Seems the more you spend, the better you get with EP's, but  their only as good as the telescopes optics. Where do you draw the line?

I've not tried the dual speed focuser's . I'm sure they help critical focusing during certain seeing conditions. 

Cooling fans have their for and against. Their supposed to help the mirror  cool quicker, but suck or blow the mirror is often asked? Both ideas seems to have some inherent problems? Put any solid object in a wind tunnel, and unless its aerodynamic, there is going to be some problems with smooth airflow, and eddy currents. This wont increase performance of a concave surface 90° to the air flow, whereas laminar, cross flow fans with OTA exhaust ports seem to be the better option, but how many folk will drill their OTA's to make vents.

Do fans vibrate or create noise, of course they do  All that noise and vibration from your PC is only caused by the fans spinning away, You really don't want any vibrations in the OTA!. 

Still doesn't help you decide on which one to choose from? There's an offer here, only 2 days to go? ......... 

£249.99 The link describes the 200P but the image appears to be a stock image of the 150P.

If you could try before you buy, or just get a look in a shop somewhere, it may sway your decisions when up close. 

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That offer price has put the cat amongst the pigeons, I had decided to go with the Revelation, but at the offer price I might be able to step up a bit on the EP's.

Oh and just to explain, the title should be "big" dob decision, I hate auto correct on my tablet!

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It's a tricky decision Darren, I had settled on the Skyliner at that offer price, but then found the revelation via your post! I hate having to make decisions like this! To paraphrase Batman, I just wish they came in black! :grin: Good luck with you decision - I am sure they are both great scopes whichever way you go!

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I'm very happy with my SW 200p.

I went through pretty much the same choices as yourself, eventually came to think "well, if I want better eyepieces I want them to be of my choosing" .  As it is the stock ones are fine for basic viewing, whilst you're finding your way around and working out what interests you.  I gave up smoking yesterday  :angry9:  and am going to put what I would have spent every day on baccy into an 'Eyepiece Fund' tin - as an incentive that even my wife approves of! :smiley: .

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Can I just say something, I really hope that members who never used a Revelation/GSO Dob stop passing random judgments. That's true there were some reports on inadequate coating in the past, but that's just the past. I can bet Sky-watcher had their own criticism at some point. I used/use both GSO and Skywatcher, I can't fault the Sky-watcher mirror coating, but I also believe the GSO was as good .

You'll love your Revelation...ditto!!

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Congrats on the decision to stop smoking Myopicus. First three weeks are the hardest. 

At £8 for a pack of 20 (assuming you do 20 a day) that's enough saved for a Televue Delos just 31 days from now.

Remember the old joke - "giving up smoking is easy - I've done it loads of times."

Stick with it and keep us posted.

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If you haven't had a look through a 200p dob, you are more than welcome to have a look through mine this afternoon. I've still got the original eps as well.

I live in Buxton and if you pm me your number you can pop round and have a look if it helps.

I've had it just over a year and its a great first scope. I can't comment on the others though.


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Jimbooz, thanks for the offer, unfortunately I am away visiting my parents at the moment otherwise I would have accepted your offer.

Sent from my tablet, any spelling mistakes are a combination of fat fingers and auto correct!

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