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Skywatcher Focuser problem

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Dashed out with my new Telescope last night to look at the unusually clear sky. Focused on Jupiter and then discovered that as soon as I put my eye close to the lens the whole tube just slid straight back into the scope. I then discovered that the whilst the focussing knob did push the tube out it clearly was exerting only minimal pressure and even with no lens you can actually slide the tube in and out as if there is nothing to hold it. Have contacted the supplier and await their deliberations. I am holding my knowledge of the Sale of Goods Act in reserve but does anyone have any bright ideas/suggestions as I suspect it's something dead simple. Unfortunately I am clueless as a newbie so all advice gratefully received.

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Yes the locking screw does hold it, but obviously I need to be able to put my eye up to the eyepiece whilst still adjusting the focus - and it keeps retracting if I do. Will look on youtube - thanks for the suggestion.

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As above..............My Nikon gave it away that the focuser was slipping. Nip up the Alan bolt underneath the focuser. (I'm thinking of a Skyliner for this adjustment, but sure all scopes are similar?)

On the Skyliner, there's just a rubber sleeve on a steel rod ( no rack & pinion)  The rubber being in contact with the focuser tube. If not enough friction, the focuser will close in. The Alan bolt just moves a small neoprene type seal against the rod. Also on the Skyliner, if you lock the focuser, the focus wheels still turn, but nothing focuses in the eyepiece, so remember to unlock. Nipping up the tensioner should work.

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Thanks for all that. Unfortunately my bottom plate doesn't have the same layout as per YouTube. I have two small screws which will not tighten and what look like two hollow rivets. All these are in line down the middle with four other screws, one at each corner. Unlucky or what? Thanks again for the suggestions.

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Thanks for all that. Unfortunately my bottom plate doesn't have the same layout as per YouTube. I have two small screws which will not tighten and what look like two hollow rivets. All these are in line down the middle with four other screws, one at each corner. Unlucky or what? Thanks again for the suggestions.

You didn't say what scope, but on my SkyWatcher ED80 the four screws at the corners need to be tight to avoid slippage.

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Sounds to me that you might be missing a piece from the flange plate (small plate, 4 screws, 1 grub screw, focuser tightening knob). Take this off and in the underside is a Teflon sleeve which tightens the focuser spindle against the focuser tube. You should have a black plastic shimmy, covered by a white Teflon shimmy. It sounds like the white one is missing, because thus would account for tube not being held tight.

If you have removed the plate, the shimmy mat well be on the floor. Otherwise contact your supplier.


Sent from my Radar C110e using Tapatalk

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I do have a picture to post which will do once I've worked out how this site works. Until then my thanks again for all the help and suggestions and am pleased to report the supplier is swopping the telescope as it's only three weeks old.

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First, loosen the counter screw, focus stopping screw and the two screws to the left and right

of the tension adjustment screw in the middle of the Crayford focuser bearing plate. Then

tighten (or loosen) the tension adjustment screw, so that the focuser tube does have a good

grip and does not slide by itself. Now, carefully tighten the the two screws left and right of the

tension screw..........[sic].........

If that don't make sense, check here..  www.astrovox.gr/forum/download.php?id=45058&sid...‎

This will download their .pdf image, showing clearly the adjusters.

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Thanks to everyone for your comments. I have now sussed thanks to the above but as the supplier is sending a replacement I'll leave well alone so as not to invalidate any warranty issues. Thanks to all of you again you really are a supportive group.

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