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By Happy Mistake

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Hi Everyone

I've always been madly obsessed with the splendor and majesty of our night sky and the universe beyond. However, buying a telescope proveded to be a rather costly afair and something I have looked into getting for a number of years now.

To my surprise, my wife bought me one for my birthday just under a month ago.

A week ago we went to our fishing farm (not owned) for 4 days, and being in the middle of nowhere (25°33'32.92" S  30°06'33.33" E - at an elevation of roughly 1900m) I thought I'd see some pretty impressive night skies. Sadly there was constant intermittent cloud cover. Suffice to say I was able to get a little viewing in and this was my first image of the moon...


*Moon through Orion SkyQuest XT8 Dobsunian Reflector with Celestron 32mm PLöSSL 1.25" / GSO Focal Reducer 1.25" / Moon Filter 1.25" / Celestron 2x Barlow 1.25"

Not so great I know, and this was only with a 12.2 Mega-Pixel Samsung ES27 digital point and click... and when I tried again, something beautiful happened...


**Same telescope and lense setup.

So I was pretty happy with the outcome (considering the little viewing time I had available) and thought I'd try the same viewing conditions back home, at 200m less elevation and a little bit of cloudy haze, here and there, I tried out the camera on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (13 Mega-Pixel), and came up with this...


***Moon through Orion SkyQuest XT8 Dobsunian Reflector with Celestron 32mm PLöSSL 1.25" / GSO Focal Reducer 1.25" / #80A Light Blue 30% T Filter 1.25" / Celestron 2x Barlow 1.25"

I just cant wait to go back to the farm when the waether is better!!!

Thanks for reading.


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My wife says it almost looks like I took it from inside a spacecraft... if only I was an astronaut... :p

Should you ever get an ultra-wide-angle eyepiece like a Nagler, then you will really feel like you are looking through a space port. I visited South Africa (I have family near Cape Town) a couple of times, and the southern skies are just amazing (when they are clear).

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Should you ever get an ultra-wide-angle eyepiece like a Nagler, then you will really feel like you are looking through a space port. I visited South Africa (I have family near Cape Town) a couple of times, and the southern skies are just amazing (when they are clear).

Yea I must say, the Mphumalanga region has great skies being at such a high elevation. Usually you get a fantastic Milkyway haze to look at... When the moon isn't in view.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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