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First Jupiter images!


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Nice first result. The first one is a bit underexposed, the second one is warped. This may happen when the frame used as reference (usually the first) is distorted by seeing, and all others are warped by registax to match it. Choosing a different frame can solve that. If you use many more frames (I tend to use 800 to 2000) you get better results, and the improved signal-to-noise ratio allows you to sharpen more using the wavelet filters.

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Another good first effort.

I'd use AutoStakkert!2 for stacking then Registax for the processing.  You really want a load more frames, too.  Go for two or three minutes worth of video.  You might be able to do something about the green cast in Registax too.  I think there's an option on the wavelets screen labelled "colour balance" or "colour mixing".  Something like that.  Click on that and just "auto balance".


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Thanks so much for your great advice guys! Looking forward to getting out and taking more of Jupiter.

I should mention that these images were all 1000 frames and NOT 100! (Typo!)

Seeing was not great either to be honest but at least it was clear!!

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post-28261-0-32281700-1391345766_thumb.jI have the Neximage 5 too and it also has the weird colour balance. The fix is a breeze in Registax - you need the histogram tool (at least this is what I use to cure it).

1. Hit the histogram tool after wavelets

2. Tick log based graph and direct

3. Select R for the Channel

4. Adjust the numbers 0 (black point) and 255 (white point) so that the black point and white point are clipping off any flat parts of the graph. The black point you can go deeper if you wish - you should have a little mound on the left representing all the dark red parts of the image - you can clip right into this if you wish.

4. Repeat for B and G Channel, try to match the shape of the Red channel with the numbers you choose to clip with G and B.

5. Bingo - better colour balance and a bit more contrast to boot - which brings out the details a bit more!

hope this helps


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Here's the histogram before clipping:


Notice the lumps on the left - you can clip these right off - they will fix the black background for you make it a nice inky black

try to make all the channels look about the same shape after clipping,

something like this jpg - I didn't need to clip off any white at all (on any channel) because I have mine nicely set when recording


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