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M101 Widefield, Unmodded DSLR


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Took this on my first night out following the street light swtich-off in Colchester (between midnight and 5:00am), helpfully the moon was on the opposite side of the sky by this time. Also managed to get a fair few companion galaxies in this image.

This is also the first image I have processed using PixInsight's new 'Masked Stretch' process (released this week, replacing the old script version).  I have to say it has made a massive difference to retaining colour in the cores of the stars and the galaxy, so much so that I may well have to go back and reprocess my earlier images which suffer from a lack of star colour.


Imaging: Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED DS-Pro,  Sky-Watcher 0.85x reducer, Hutech IDAS LPS P2 2", Canon EOS 500D (Unmodified), APT 
Guiding: Orion ST80, QHY 5, PHD guiding, Sky-Watcher NEQ6, EQMod, AstroTortilla
Processing: PixInsight 1.8.01
Date: Jan. 12, 2014
Lights: 30 x 600 seconds ISO400
Darks: 109
Flats: 102
Bias: 330
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a cracker Ian, well done. I have tended to not consider 'small' galaxies with my 80ED, but this image is a game changer for me. I love the context of the wide field. You prove that lots of data gives a better result, really well worth the 5 hours... The processing is spot on to my eyes too. Great job!

Aren't you tempted to mod your camera?!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That's a cracker Ian, well done. I have tended to not consider 'small' galaxies with my 80ED, but this image is a game changer for me. I love the context of the wide field. You prove that lots of data gives a better result, really well worth the 5 hours... The processing is spot on to my eyes too. Great job!

Aren't you tempted to mod your camera?!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am tempted but unwilling to risk being without one.  I was hoping to get a CCD at some point, but suspect it may be many years off due to the money pit that is my kids.  Will see how I feel after this winter, but I might invest in a new modded 1100D or 600D (or whatever is around at the time).  Wouldn't make much difference on galaxies, but certainly helpful for a lot of other targets that aren't worth bothering with at the moment.

The pixel scale on the 80ED isn't that great for detail on smaller galaxies, but as you say if you are prepared to go a bit deeper, you can get some really nice extras in the wide field to make up for it. This one wasn't really planned to be honest. I was shooting M42 and when it got down behind the trees I was just hunting round for something to make the most of the rest of the night and this is what I got.

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That's a superb image. So are the images on your website. I live near Colchester too (Manningtree) and light pollution is a big problem for so I think I will try waiting for the Colchester switch off too (wife permitting). I have just started guided imaging with my Megrez 72 and it's really encouraging to see what's possible with relatively modest equipment and a lot of skill!

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(wife permitting)

Haha yes, that is a bit of a bone of contention in our house too but not as much as it could be.  Automation is really the key and I am continuing to work on it.  I start imaging when it gets dark, then wait up until I have to do a meridian flip or choose a second target depending on the first one.  Once I am up and running on the second, I tend to go to bed until it is time to get the kit indoors just before dawn.  Of course one has to be confident of the weather to do that, but it is usually pretty obvious whether it is a pack up before bed or leave it out till dawn kind of night.

I guess you have to contend with the lights of Ipswich, Harwich and Felixstowe as well as things to the south of you?  I understand the switch off date for Tendring is to be confirmed in 'Mid-February' according to this http://www.essexhighways.org/Transport-and-Roads/Roads-and-Pavements/Street-lighting/Partnight-lighting/Tendring.aspx  Bear in mind there has been a fair bit of local resistance to each phase; Colchester was delayed by a month or two and some main roads were left on in the end.  Basildon is out-and-out war with the County Council (guess they don't want to lose their twin-town status with Las Vegas "Bas-Vegas" as the locals seem to call it).  We get a bit of LP from Clacton over my way, though it is less than for Colchester.  Maybe Suffolk will follow suit as they seem very keen to cut costs wherever they can.

I'm genuinely pleased at the encouraging comments from everyone on this thread.  I am still a learner driver compared to the imaging aces that we all know and love so much, but I try to make up for the limited hours I have under my belt by reading up and thinking/planning during the vast majority of the time when I can't actually image.  I have definitely made progress in the past two years, so who knows, in another three or four years I might be satisfied with my efforts (doubt it though!)

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I guess you have to contend with the lights of Ipswich, Harwich and Felixstowe as well as things to the south of you?

Yes I have towns in all four directions, plus I have to go and stand in a field to do my imaging! Still a house move to the country is on the cards. :)

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