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Light shroud..

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I'm in two minds about getting an Astrozap light shroud for the SW 12" Flextube...find it difficult justifying the price - FLO seems the cheapest in the UK though!

Anyway, is there something similar out there that's cheaper yet slightly more practical/elegant than a foam mat?

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You can fabricate one for much less using synthetic black non-shedding fabric, nylon cording and plastic boning used in corsetry (I used spring steel crinoline wire). I wish I'd documented the one I made last year for my Dob. If you study some of the astrozap images on the web and are a bit handy on the sewing machine they are not too hard to make.

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I'm in two minds about getting an Astrozap light shroud for the SW 12" Flextube...find it difficult justifying the price - FLO seems the cheapest in the UK though!

Anyway, is there something similar out there that's cheaper yet slightly more practical/elegant than a foam mat?

Being a flexi Is your scope not split into two parts with a frame joining them? would a dew shield help, I am not sure on their construction

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I intended to make a light shroud for my dob using camping mat, but ended up getting the AstroZap instead. Sure, it might be a bit expensive, but it's very convenient and to me worth the cost. Easy to install and no need to remove it from the scope between sessions.

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Mine has the Astrozap shroud. Yes they're expensive for what they are, but for me it was worth it just for the convenience. I convinced myself that they have to ship it over from the states so there's a fair element of post and packaging in there, as well as the materials, workmanship, and perfect fit.

It hooks over the handles, doesn't move in use, and the scope can be raised and lowered with it in place. And they have to make a profit at the factory and at FLO (plus taxes every chuffin where lol). It would have been a much cheaper diy job - but I'm naff with a sewing machine and would end up having to have two goes at it anyway.

The choice is yours but hope I've helped. :)

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Being a flexi Is your scope not split into two parts with a frame joining them? would a dew shield help, I am not sure on their construction

it is collapsable model, Shaunin A lot more solid than I expected. Even my wifethinks the scope looks nice...can you believe that? ! I think she is relieved I didn't go for the 14"... looking at the 12" the 14" will have been a monster to store in the house :) Plus your mate sucks at handling heavy stuff :D

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I had an Astrozap shroud when I had my Meade Lightbridge 12" dob. It was an excellent shroud and kept stray light and dust out of the tube as well as my body heat which helped keep the images steady on cold nights I felt.

I also used, and still use with my 12" solid tube dob, a light shade opposite the focuser to keep stray light out of the top of the tube and away from the secondary mirror.

Both these were more or less essential where I observe because of lighting from my house and my neighbours.

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Hummm...I guess Astrozap is the best option. First light tonight hopefully..I will see if the nearby streetlight will cause any ghosting or light scatterong...Im hoping it won't :D

And please don't forget the mandatory first light report! :-D

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I have seen someone use a childs pull string gym bag.

They basically removed the stitching from the bottom and added an extra draw string. To be honest they did such a good job it looked exactly like my light shield I had on my dob and it appeared to fit a treat. Must have cost them £8 at most minus the time taken to unstich and restich.

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