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Not me, its the Mrs


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Thank you all so very much for the very warm and informative welcome.  It would seem that most think the telescope is not a bad one for a beginner so for that I am grateful.  In less that 20 days we will be able to help my wife set it up and maybe have a peek......  Once again thank you all.

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Well, I reckon that's just great what you've done for your wife, not just the buying of a scope but getting set up on this site already for her too, a man after my own heart.......that is,all heart, just ask my wife :grin: welcome from a novice stargazer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good first scope, will last you for as long either of you want it to.

Big astro club at Guildford, think they gather at the university for talks etc.

They also run some fairly large observing night which you could get along to. In addition some of the nights are for beginners and showing people how to set up and use whatever scope they have. Take wife, take scope, let them sort out whatever.


They are doing something for Star Gazing Live on Jan 11th so get details when they post them and drop by.

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Whooo Hoooo it was just picture perfect.   A complete surprise and she was thoroughly thrilled by it and tomorrow in the quiet we will take the time to set it all up.  When we have worked it all out I suspect I will be looking for a spot to set it up  :smiley:

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great first scope , pick it up go outside , have a butchers . no messing about setting it up or aligning  and its good enough to give decent views. next best choice to bins for ease of use  in my opinion and bins is my next purchase with help from advise on this site.

 have fun and enjoy both of you

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