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ISON Broken Up


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Sadly BBC News are reporting that ISON has not survived perihelion... I was going to post a link but I can't find it now.

From what I gathered from the report, astronomers observed the comet disappear behind the sun more or less intact, but it re-emerged as little more than a faint wisp.

But, that's comets for yer.

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Amazing day of astronomical drama yesterday and still even now nothing is resolved. Quite unlike anything I've experienced in my short time in astronomy. The online communities all over the world were buzzing and it may still not be over yet despite what you may have read.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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So it's not going to be "The comet of the century" then as reported widely by the BBC and Horizon. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Few days back the BBC were saying how how great and spectacular it was going to be.

Suppose it might make a decent meteor shower occasionally. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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A comet's 5.5-million-year journey to the inner solar system has ended after it seemingly failed to survive a trip around the sun, leaving no trace of its once-bright tail or even any remnants of rock and dust, scientists have said.

..."I'm not seeing anything that emerged from the behind the solar disk. That could be the nail in the coffin," astrophysicist Karl Battams, with the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, said during a live broadcast on Nasa TV."


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That is an out of date commentary, fortunately. The latest images show that something reasonably bright has emerged. It looks like the nucleus has been fairly beaten up, and it is more diffuse than before, but there is definitely still something there!!

Latest from the LASCO C3 camera on SOHO



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Frightening stuff! But mostly in the sense of (almost humouristic) bad research journalism? :p

(Macavity - "Can't write for toffee", but mostly restricts hisself to vaguely understood topics)  

Tabloid Headline: Comet "Fails to live up to expectations". Science FAILS, Scientists LIE etc. etc. :D

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Now it is being reported that it may have survived. Sky said 7 hours ago it had broken up, and an hour ago that it may not have broken up fully. That is making sure they can claim to have been correct either way.

Getting to the stage that a month of solid cloud would mean I don't have to think about it. :sad: :sad: :sad:

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