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Setting up Skywatcher Skymax 127 Syn Scan AZ


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I am an expat living in Norway

I thought it would be a good idea to join the lounge, as I have no experience of this type of telescope.

I am having problems with the focus and have read that this seems to be a common problem with beginners. The focus nob turns through many revolutions, but do not seem to be getting anyway. I read that it easier to do in daylight, so I am going to try that.  A  question that some maybe able to answer,is should

I start turning the focus, starting from the right or the left end of the range ?

I would be grateful for any advice.



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Hello & welcome :laugh:


Turn the focuser slowly through the whole focus range and do not look away at all , objects can come into and out of of focus very quickly :smiley:

Also make sure your eyepiece is not of a very high magnification as you may not be able to focus at all, between 20 - 30 mm would be ideal if you have one.

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Hi and welcome. This is all good advice. Telegraph pole or house in the distance in daylight is a great place to start; get used to the feel of the focuser and how much turning makes how much difference to focus etc.

Oh, and obviously stay away from the Sun in daylight. Obvious but I just feel better for having said it.

Welcome and good luck.

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Hi and Welcome to the lounge

are you giving your scope enough time to "cool down" this can

be well over half an hour or more before it is ready for viewing,

that could be the problem, set up then leave it for as I say a good 

half hour or more before looking through the eyepiece.

And take your time turning the focuser, you will get the hang of it.

Good luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi welcome to SGL..

As for the focuser problem... I had that problem when I got my 1st scope

and I found that my view finder was not properly alligned with my scope

so my scope was not looking at the same image as my view finder, so I ended

up trying to focus on nothing.

To fix this problem you need to got out in the daytime, find a distant object like up to

500-1000 meters, usinng your lowest power eyepiece(the 1 with the biggest number I.E 30mm not 15mm)

get the object maybe a chimney top or something in the center of your FOV in the eyepiece then check that

the same image is in you view finder.. If you find that it is not don't move the scope, you now use to the AltAz

screws on your view finder or finder scope to put the image in the center of your crosshairs.

Hope this helps.

Cheers Roy

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