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First time in ages and


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saw Jupiter with four moons aligned, how wonderful.

For those who don't know I have been (and still am) stuck in a leg brace (slowly healing) and been unable to stand for long periods, so when I saw tonight's Jupiter as I came home from a late night job, I couldn't resist. And as mentioned, how wonderful she looked tonight. Only used 90mm frac as cant handle the DOB but still got great views.

Also a quick peak at Orion nebula and the 7 sisters. Wonderful views of all but only lasted ten minutes due to a fore  mentioned leg issues.

Two or maybe 3 more weeks they (the doctors) tell me, and I shall hopefully be back to full time viewing. It will seem like a life sentence in waiting. (No wait thats me getting married next year  :shocked: haha)

clear skies all............


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Hi Baz/Steve,

I know your frustrations only to well, having had my foot in plaster for the better part of 11 months, a few years ago. I recently got my hands on a decent observation stool for €20 in a local secondhand shop and to be honest I'm still scratching my head as to why I didn't get one sooner. I used it for the first time tonight and I enjoyed 2 hours of pain free time at the scope and like yourself I got some wonderful views of Jupiter and the Moon.

Best of luck with the physiotherapy, it will seem like a complete pain, but it is well, well worth it in the long run.

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Thanks all for kind words guys. A quick heads up is had a good result today with specialist and he has told me I am seeing main man at hospital next week and should be having my robocop cast off the leg (Its a big plastic thing, look like a cyborg) 

So all being well, i shall be back in the picture full time in around 2 weeks.  Just in time to watch the rain falling on my windows  :tongue:  :grin:

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