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Registax nightmare.


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I have tried the auto align over and over again and inserted mis aligned frames myself with pinpoint accuracy and still the end result looks like 3 of the same pictures but stacked miles apart, what the hell is going on?! Fustrated to say the least....

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If I take an alignment point from the bottom of the moon and do it manually then the bottom looks fine but the top looks blurry and vise versa.

My photos are of this quality (which I thought was pretty decent). Is anything below this a reject???


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How many alignment points are you using? I usually use about 30 or so, and I think this should help, I'd you aren't using a lot already. I've had issues with ghost images before myself, but they've usually gone away when re-stacked, perhaps because of different alignment points.


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How many alignment points are you using? I usually use about 30 or so, and I think this should help, I'd you aren't using a lot already. I've had issues with ghost images before myself, but they've usually gone away when re-stacked, perhaps because of different alignment points.


I wasn't aware you could choose how many points to use, from the instructions I got on here I thought you just click the box on a certain point then press align???

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You may like to look at the video I made showing how to create a time-lapse movie of Jupiter using RegiStax 6.


It should show you how to set up your align points.

On the Moon select a mesh of bright or dark points and try to make them as evenly distributed as possible.

Given the low magnification of your image, a few around the edge plus a few on prominent points should be sufficient.

By putting four images in and then selecting best 50% you are merely trying to merge two images. You might as well not bother. Try 100% with so few images.

Usually I stack 70% of 1000 or 2000 frames!

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I added the photos on, clicked align multi, put 30 boxes on the moon on contrast points, clicked align, limit, optimise and stack and got a final images of 4 moons no where near on line and it was like looking at them in a broken mirror. I'mote than fed up with it.

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Be as horrible as you like steve but I wont stop until I've sorted it. I simpley trying to stack just 4 perfectly focus shots.

Agent, I'm using Registax 5.

When I select 'Multi' and use about 20 align points I end up with this....


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I think that the problem you have is that the four images are far too different for Registax to determine that the points are actually the same. It's not magic or doing image interpretation.

You may have to manually crop each of the images so that the Moon is close to the same place in the image, then Registax has a chance of matching the points.

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First of all, that crazy broken glass looking thing is cool. However, it's not what you are after, fair enough!!!

If you can post the images somehow or PM them to me I can have a crack at them and detail the steps I take to give you some tips?

we'll get there. It's crazy software. Ace when you get it sorted though.

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Ok thank you, in at my wits end!!! Admittedly all 4 pics have the moon in a different place because it was drifting through the view finder as my scope doesn't track but, every picture has the whole moon in the viewfinder so that shouldn't be a problem should it?? I'll pm you the images about 4.30pm thank you for the help :D

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You may have to manually crop each of the images so that the Moon is close to the same place in the image, then Registax has a chance of matching the points.

How much leeway does Registax give you with the alignment? Do you have to get them pretty much bang on for the alignment to work?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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