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Welcome to SGL - Always good to see someone else on board. There's a thread somewhere about what you can expect to see with your scope. Us astro imagers produce things that look so nice and bright and in reality life in visual land isn't like that. Maybe hunt out the thread or look in the sketching section to get an idea of what you can see.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Give these a read




I would get used to your scope first before buying eyepieces i waited 3 months but give these a good read through and a warm welcome to SGL.

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Welcome to the forum. Do not rush out and buy eyepieces for your ETX80 get used to it first. I have a ETX80 (for sale by the way!!) and soon realised I made a mistake buying it, though in fairness to it gave me some half decent views of Saturn and Jupiter- and the Moon too.

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Thanks for the help--especially Wookie 1965

You are more than welcome like i said have a good read that's what i did then get used to your scope and then decide what you want to look at if you end up buying say three decent eyepieces (low,medium and high) and you get a new scope these will always be good in that. If you need any more help just ask im always about and if i can help i will.

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The ETX-80 will not deliver high magnifications, however you shouldn't need much for the moon. It is fairly big.

The eyepieces sound like Meades (that odd 9.7mm length) and they also tend to be fairly good plossls. That will deliver about 40x.

Being a short achro f/5 a 4mm (not plossl) may be usable, I have no idea whose 4mm to suggest.

A 5mm will give 80x, would suggest the Astro-Tech Paradigm.

The corresponding AT 8mm will give 50x.

I have the very similar ETX-70 and the 5mm AT is the smallest I generally use on it, tried a 4mm TMB (clone/copy) and not that good a view.

A good barlow and the 8mm AT may perform better - never tried it myself.

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As Ronin says above your 9.7mm gives about 40x , we come to this by multiplying the focal length of the scope , 400mm by the focal length of the eyepiece , 9.7mm, that gives us 41, so this combimation gives 41x . The 26mm gives about 16x ( 400mm divided by 26mm ).

The quality of the Meade 80mm diameter and 400mm focal length is of easily good enough quality to show the moon VERY GOOD at 40x , it should be super sharp with tons of detail almost filling the entire field .

Are you sure the caps are off the eyepiece ? I have seen this before and its nothing to be ashamed about , was there any clouds about , thin high ones ? is the Barlow fitted when you saw the moon was not clear >( some are of very bad quality ) , you were out side viewing and not looking thru a window from inside ? , are the glass lenses of the scope and eyepiece clean ? , what was the moons phase as the full moon wont show much in any scope you need to view the moon about now ( 4 days prior up to about 2 days from today 12th November 2013 ) .

As you see there are many variables , and a photo of your set up will help a lot in determining the problem .

Have you tried the 26mm ? at 16x the moon will be quite small but it should be super sharp , give it a try .

But photos will help the most , the whole scope with eyepiece fitted , the main lense ( objective ) , the eyepiece objectives ( both ends ) .

Stick with it , the reason I have gone on a bit , is that I have a friend down here with an ETX80 and its a sweet little scope , easily taking 100-150 ( My TelVue 3mm Radian giving 133x ) times on a good night and yours should as well ,,,,, not breaking down at only 40x , so there is a problem and its hard to diagnose without photos .


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